[Supplication of the hat-makers of Edinburgh]

My lord commissioner wnto your grace and lordis of parliament humblie menis and schawis we, your servitoris Thomas Wricht, James Wricht, Alexander Douglas and remanent hat makeris of the burgh of Edinburgh, that quhair it hath pleised God be the industrie and vertew of diveris skilfull persounes that hes reasin within thir few yeiris to bring our traid and calling to ane greater perfectioune and moir considderabill than it hes beine in any yeris bygane, quhairby we ar growin to ane greater number have beine within this burgh in preceiding aiges, whiche perfectioune we being not onlie willing to maynteyne, bot also stryveing daylie to ane greater degrie of perfectioune in our said traid, we ar greatumlie hinderit and prejudgeit be the growthe of wnskilful peoppill amongis ws, whiche doe occasioune the lack of guid ordour of government amongis ws; heirfoire we beseike your grace and lordschipes, for the farder advanceing of our calling and tread within this burgh and kingdome, to grant unto ws yeirlie the libertie of ane oversieare and guard maister of on of our said tread by the ellectioune and appoyntment yeirlie of the lord provest, baillies and counsall of the said burgh, that thairby the disorderis of the said tread may be reformed, the leidges bettir serveit and our said tread brocht to ane greater perfectioune. And your grace and lords anssir we humblie beseike.

27 September 1639

Red, voted and past in articles, and to begins said yeir 1639.

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