[Ratification approved; right of voting of commissioners of shires debated; accounts of Thomas Muir to be shown to William Dick]

Ratificatioune to Jhone Smith.

Act ordaining everie commissioner from shyris to haif ane severall voyte to be markit per se, being red in articles, the commissioneris general requyred that befoir answer should be gevin thairto the baronis wald fulfill the promeisis maid to the kingis majestie and mentioned in the act of parliament 1587, c. 112, and protested that the said act, quhilk is contraire to the act of perpetuall customs inviolablie observed and so prejudiciall to his majestie, and never acclamed befoir by the baronis, may not be agitate untill the saidis promeises, quhilks his grace shall instruct be first maid good. Thairefter the act gevin up to the Laird of Keir.

Appointis Thomas Mure his comptis to be shewin to William Dik, or the auditours appointed for him, whill Mooneday nixt.

  1. NAS, PA6/3, 'August 31-October 22 1639', f.18(a) r. Back
  2. 'contraire to the perpetuall' repeated. Back