[Act approved; acts to be taken into further consideration]

Act ratifeing the actis anent muireburne red, voited and past in articles, bot prorogattis the tyme of burning muiris unto the fyftene day of Aprill.

Act anent those who subscrives and ratifies securities and makis faith and thairefter comis in the contrair thairof, continewed till the ressounes be shewin for the same.

Anent the act in favours of presbiteries that they may present to all churches quhairof the presentationes was usurped by the bishopis sen thair restitutione, the commissioners of the kirk being hard, desyred answer thairto; quhilk being long debaitted is continewed, that the commissioneris grace may be advysed thairanent as ane mater of greate importance.

  1. NAS, PA6/3, 'August 31-October 22 1639', f.17(a) v. Back
  2. Written in the margin 'The act delyvered to Auldbar'. Back