[Custom upon coal; exorbitant customs of the king of Denmark etc. to be represented to the king; acts amended and approved]

Anent the supplicatioune presented by the coalemaisters craving ane discharge of the custome unwarrantablie exacted by the conservatour upon coale, ordaines Walter Cant, compeirand for the conservatour, to informe himselfe of the conservatours right and possession and quhat hes bein the custome in former tymes.

Article presented by the borrowis craving that the estatis wald interceid with his majestie for dealling with the king of Denmark and Marquis of Brandinburgh, Duke of Prusse for Pillo, to discharge their exorbitant customes, recommendit to the commissioneris grace to supplicat his majestie for that effect, and the borrowis appointed to give their ressones and particular informatione to his grace.

Anent the article presented by the borrowis craving ane generall pardon of penall statuttis, red, voited and past in articles, excepting as is excepted in the act 1631 bot omitting the exceptione of wearing gunnis and pistollis.

The article presented by the borrowis, anent the residence of the shirref clerkis and stewart clerkis in the heidburgh of the shyre and stewartrie and the holding of heid courtis and ordinarie courtis thair, red, voited and past in articles as it is mendit, excepting the nether weird of Lanerk, quhairof the clerk hes alwayis residit and the courtis bein alwayis haldin at Hammiltoune. Excepting also such places as upon remonstrance to the counsale shall be found necessar and convenient to the liegis for holding courts or residence of the clerkis outwith the heid brughis, but prejudice alwayis to the shirrefis and stewartis to hold other courtis when they find expedient, in any other place convenient.

  1. NAS, PA6/3, 'August 31-October 22 1639', f.11(a) v. Back
[Article and supplication approved]

Article presented by the borrowis ordaining all actiounes not exceiding 100 lib. to be persewit in prima instantia befoir the defenders judge ordinar, discharging all supreme or other judgis from medling with the same in prima instantia, but prejudice of their power to reduce. And als declairing that interpositio fidei shall not be ane sufficient caus to mak the commissioneris judgis in actiones not meirlie consistoriall, except conforme to the injunctiones gevin to the commissioneris and ratified in parliament 1592. Red, voited and past in articles.

The supplicatione presented by the hatmakers, craving libertie to haif ane deacon yeirlie at the electioune of the magistratis, red, voited and past in articles.

  1. NAS, PA6/3, 'August 31-October 22 1639', f.11(a) v. Back