[Depute clerk register appointed; protests against; consideration of salmon fishing upon Sunday continued]

The lord commissioneris general produced ane letter direct to him from his majestie anent the deputatioune to be graunted to Maistir William Hay or any sufficient man whom the clerk register should nominate, and according thairunto required that Maistir William Hay should supplie the clerk of registers place in this parliament. Quhairunto Maistir Alexander Gibsone and Maistir William Scott maid thair answer, as it is produced in writt, and Maistir William Hay also protested as is sett down in writt.

The ressounes and overturis for toleratioune of the salmond fishing upon Sooneday appointed to be gevin to the commissioners for the church, that they may consider the same and give thair answer thairanent in the efternoone.

  1. NAS, PA6/3, 'August 31-October 22 1639', f.4(b) v. Back
  2. A draft entry of this business can be found on NAS, PA6/3, 'August 31-October 22 1639', f.3(b) v, as follows: 'The commissioneris general produced ane letter direct to his general anent the deputatioune to be graunted to Maistir William Hay, and the clerks maid thair answer and Maistir William Hay maid in his protestatioune in the contrair, as the same ar gevin in by writt.' Back
  3. A draft entry of this business can be found on NAS, PA6/3, 'August 31-October 22 1639', f.3(b) v, as follows: 'The ressounes and overturis for toleratioune of the salmond fishing upon Sooneday appointed to be gevin to the commissioners for the church, that they may be advysed therwith and give thair answer thairanent efternoone.' Back
  4. A draft entry of this business can be found on NAS, PA6/3, 'August 31-October 22 1639', f.3(b) v, as follows: 'The mercatt day upon Mooneday dischargit in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Dumfries and Jedburgh, bot whidder the said discharge shall be absolute or gif the same shall be tolerated for such commodities as ar brought to the said mercatt by people who leives at such distance that they may come with the said commodities from thair awin houses that morning, it is referred to the borrowis to think upon whill efternoone and then to represent these to the articles.' Back
[Supplication partly approved; consideration of further particulars remitted to the burghs]

That pairt of the supplicatioune presented from the assemblie anent the discharge of the mercate day upon Mooneday in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Dumfries and Jedburgh, red, voited and past in articles bot whidder the said discharge shall be absolute or gif it shall be for some speciall commodities which occasion the breach of the Sabbath, or gif the saidis mercatis shall yit be tolerated for such commodities as ar brought thither by people who leives at such distance as they may come with the same from thair awin housis that morning to the mercatt, it is referred to the burrowis to think upon whill efternoone, and then to propone thair desyres and the ressounes thairof to the articles.

  1. NAS, PA6/3, 'August 31-October 22 1639', f.4(b) v. Back
  2. A draft entry of this business can be found on NAS, PA6/3, 'August 31-October 22 1639', f.3(b) v, as follows: 'The commissioneris general produced ane letter direct to his general anent the deputatioune to be graunted to Maistir William Hay, and the clerks maid thair answer and Maistir William Hay maid in his protestatioune in the contrair, as the same ar gevin in by writt.' Back
  3. A draft entry of this business can be found on NAS, PA6/3, 'August 31-October 22 1639', f.3(b) v, as follows: 'The ressounes and overturis for toleratioune of the salmond fishing upon Sooneday appointed to be gevin to the commissioners for the church, that they may be advysed therwith and give thair answer thairanent efternoone.' Back
  4. A draft entry of this business can be found on NAS, PA6/3, 'August 31-October 22 1639', f.3(b) v, as follows: 'The mercatt day upon Mooneday dischargit in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Dumfries and Jedburgh, bot whidder the said discharge shall be absolute or gif the same shall be tolerated for such commodities as ar brought to the said mercatt by people who leives at such distance that they may come with the said commodities from thair awin houses that morning, it is referred to the borrowis to think upon whill efternoone and then to represent these to the articles.' Back