Committee members: lords of the articles

The commissionaris grace nominat and elected the aucht noblemen fallouing to be upon the articles, viz:

Domini electi ad articulos

Thairafter, at the same tyme, the noblemen, after leiting and voycing, nominat and elected the aucht barrones and aucht commissioneris for the burrowes to be upoun the articles as falloweth:

Domini electi ad articulos

Efter the electing of the whilkis lordis and wtheris abonenamit to be upon the articles, the lord commissionaris grace and haill noblemen returned agane to the great parliament house and publicte place of conventione, and thair caused publictlie reid the names of these who for everie estat wer elected to be upon the articles; and therwithall did intimat to these of the articles and commandit them to attend the commissioneris grace and keepe meiting everie siting day at elevine houris in the inner parliament house, and ordeanit the haill estates to attend till the conclusione of the parliament.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.7r. Back