Act in favour of Sir Johne Achmootie of Gosfuird

Oure soverane lord, with advyse of the estates of this present parliament, hes ratifiet and approvine and, be the tennor heirof, ratifies and approves the chartor and infeftment grantit be his majesties umquhile darrest father, King James, of most worthie memorie, to his hienes lovitt Johne Achmootie of Skougall, now styllit Sir Johne Achmootie of Gosfuird, knicht, one of his majesties umquhile darrest father forsaid his bedchamber for the tyme, his airs and assignais quhatsumever, of all and haill the lands of Gosfuird, with the mylne, tower, fortalice, maner places, houses, biggings, yeards, orcheards, dowcatt, linkes, pairts, pendicles and all thair pertinents, erectit in ane haill and frie baronie callit the baronie of Gosfuird, lyand within the shirefdome of Edinburgh and constabularie of Hadingtoun, proceiding upon the resignatione of umquhile Alexander Achesone of Gosfuird, Elizabeth Dowglas, his spous, and of Alexander, Williame and Patrick Achesones, thair sones, with advyse and consent of Sir Johne Home of Northbervick, knicht, and of Williame Dowglas of Bonejedwart, for thair richt and entreiss, to be haldine of his majestie and his successors in fewferme and heretage, conteining ane new dispositione of the saidis lands and mylne to the said Sir Johne and his forsaidis and erectione of the same in ane baronie, callit the baronie of Gosfuird, as the said chartor and infeftment wnder his majesties great seale, of the dait at Greinwiche, the tuentie nyne day of Junii, the yeir of God jM vjC threttie tua yeirs, at mair lenth proports, togider with the instrument of sasing following thairupon. And als his majestie, with advyse of the saidis estates, hes ratifiet and approvine and, be thir presents, ratifies and approves the chartor and infeftment grantit be his majesties selff efter his hienes lawfull and perfyte aige of tuentie fyve yeirs compleit, and all his majesties revocationes, both speciall and generall, to the said Sir Johne Achmootie of Gosfuird, knicht, gentleman of his majesties privie chalmer and maister of his hienes wardrob of the kingdome of Scotland, his airs and assignais quhatsumever heretablie, of all and haill the saidis lands and baronie of Gosfuird, comprehending thairin all and haill the saidis lands of Gosfuird, with the mylne, tower, fortalice, maner places, houses, biggings, yeards, orcheards, dowcatt, linkes, pairts, pendicles and all thair pertinents lyand as said is, proceiding upon the resignatione of the said Sir Johne Aachmootie himselff in his awine favours; and conteining also ane new dispositione of the samyn lands and baronie to the said Sir Johne and his forsaidis, with ane new erectioun of the samyne in ane haill and frie baronie, callit the baronie of Gosfuird, to be haldin of his majestie and his successors siclyk in fewferme and heretage for the yeirlie payment to thame of the few dewties contenit in the said infeftment; and conteining also ane ratificatioun and confirmatione of the originall chartor and infeftment of fewferme grantit be umquhile King James the Second under his great seale to umquhile Thomas Sinclar and umquhile Mirabill Dalrumpill, his spous, quha was dochter to umquhile Johne Dalrumpill, merchand for the tyme, to the said umquhile King James the Second, thair airs and assignais specifiet thairin, of the saidis lands of Gosfuird and mylne thairof, with thair pertinents, to be haldine of the said umquhile King James the Second and his successors in few ferme and heretage, of the dait at Stirling, the tuentie aucht day of Januar, the yeir of God jM four hundreth fiftie aucht yeirs, with certane uthers chartors, infeftments, sasings and retours maid to the said Sir Johne Achmootie and his predicessors and authors of the saidis lands and mylne speciallie sett downe in the said infeftment grantit be his majesties selff to the said Sir Johne, as in the samyne infeftment, conteining the said confirmatione, wnder his majesties great seale of the dait at Theobalds, the fyfteine day of July, the yeir of God jM vjC and threttie yeirs at mair lenth is contenit, togider with the instrument of sasing following thairupon, togider also with the said originall infeftment of fewferme and all uthers chartors, infeftments, sasings and retours of the saidis lands of Gosfuird and mylne thairof, speciallie mentionat and sett downe in the said last infeftment and chartor grantit be his majesties selffe to the said Sir Johne and his forsaidis of the dait abonewrittine, in the haill heids, articles, clauses, conditiones and circumstances quhatsumever specifiet and contenit in the saidis tua chartors and infeftments and instruments of sasing following thairupon and remanent chartors, infeftments, sasings and retours thairin exprest, with all that hes followit or may follow upon the samyne. And his majestie and estates forsaidis wills and grants and, for thame and thair successors, declairs, decernes and ordaines that the forsaidis tua chartors and infeftments and sasings following thairupon, and remanent chartors, infeftments, sasings and retours thairin contenit, with this present ratificatione thairof, ar and sall be good, valeid and sufficient richts and secuirities to the said Sir Johne Achmootie, his airs and assignais, for bruiking and joysing of the saidis lands and baronie of Gosfuird, mylne thairof, tour, fortalice, maner places, houses, biggings, yeards, orcheards, links, pairts, pendicles and all thair pertinents, with the haill priveledge and libertie of the said baronie perpetuallie in all tyme coming, as thair propper heretage, but stope or impediment; and als that this present ratificatioun and generalitie thairof sall be als valeid, effectuall and sufficient to the said Sir Johne and his forsaidis for that effect, as if the saidis chartors and infeftments and sasings followinig thairupon, and all uthers chartors, sasings, retours and uthers richts forsaidis, wer at lenth word be word insert heirin, anent the quhilks and generalitie thairof, and with all uther objectiones and imperfectiones, gif any be, quhilks may be opponit or alledgit againes the validitie or invaliditie of the samyne infeftments, sasings, retours and uthers richts forsaidis, his majestie and estates forsaidis hes dispensit and dispenses be thir presents. And farder, his majestie and estates, considering the good, trew and thankfull service done be the said Sir Johne Achmootie, now maister of his hienes said wairdrob of the said kingdome of Scotland, continewallie since his youth, head not onlie to his majesties said umquhile darrest father of most worthie memorie during his lyftyme, bot also to his majesties selff continewallie, sensyne quhairof his majestie hes good prooffe and experience, and being most willing that the said Sir Johne and his forsaidis sall bruike and joyse the saidis lands and baronie of Gosfuird, mylne and dowcatt thairof, with thair pertinents, as thair awine propper heretage perpetuallie in all tyme coming, but stope or impediment, and be sufficientlie secuirit thairintill, thairfor, and for his farder and better secuiritie of the same, his majestie and estates forsaidis of this present parliament hes dissolvit and, be thir presents, dissolves frome his hienes crowne all and haill the saidis lands and baronie of Gosfuird, with the mylne thairof, tour, fortalice, maner place, houses, biggings, yeards, dowcatt, links, pairts, pendicles and pertinents thairof, being ane pairt of his majesties propertie, to the effect the said Sir Johne and his forsaidis may hald, bruike and joyse the same of his majestie in fewferme for payment of the few dewties contenit in the saidis infeftments thairof. And declairs that the said infeftment of fewferme grantit be his majesties selffe to the said Sir Johne Achmootie and his forsaidis of the saidis lands of Gosfuird, and erectione of the same in ane baronie for payment of the yeirlie few dewties contenit thairin, of the dait the said fyfteine day of July, the yeir of God jM vjC threttie yeirs, with the said instrument of sasing following thairupon, sall stand to the said Sir Johne and his forsaidis as ane sufficient infeftment of fewferme and sall be als valeid and effectuall to thame for bruiking and joysing of the saidis lands and baronie as if the samyne had beine grantit to thame efter his majesties dissolutione thairof in parliament, and as if the samyne wer speciallie exceptit and reservit furth of his hienes revocatione, or utherwayes that it sall be lawfull to his majestie to sett the saidis lands of Gosfuird, with the mylne, dowcatt, tour, fortalice, maner places, houses, biggings, yeards, orcheards, linkes, pairts, pendicles and all thair pertinents of new in fewferme, and to erect the same of new in ane baronie to the said Sir Johne and his forsaidis for payment of the auld fewferme dewties thairof contenit in his said infeftments, with augmentatione of his hienes rentall, and that for the said Sir Johne and his forsaidis farder and better secuiritie thairof as they sall think expedient.

  1. NAS, PA2/21, f.140v-141v. Back