Act in favour of Sir Patrick Hamiltoun of Litle Prestoun

Oure soverane lord, with advyse of the thrie estates of this present parliament, hes ratifiet and approvine and, be thir presents, ratifies and approves the letter of take and assedatioun sett, maid and grantit be ane reverend father in God, Johne, archiebischop of Sanctandrois, with consent of the chaptor of the metrapolitane kirk thairof, to umquhile Sir Williame Hairt of Prestoun, knicht, justice deputte of this realme for the tyme, Dame Margaret Cairnecroce, his spous, and to Johne Hairt, thair sone and than appeirand air, and to the said Johne, his neirest and lawfull air succeiding to him, and efter that airs deceise to the same air, his air, during all the space, yeirs and termes of all thair lyftymes respective and successive efter uthers, and to the said last air, his airs and assignais for all the dayes and termes of nynteine yeirs nixt following the same last airs deceis, and efter the ische of the saidis nynteine yeirs, for the space of uther nynteine yeirs, and efter the ische and expyring of the said last nynteine yeirs, for the space of uther nynteine yeirs, of all and sundrie the teindscheaves of the towne and lands of Litle Prestoun, with pairts, pendicles and pertinents thairof, lyand within the parochine of Prestoun and schirrefdome of Edinburgh, of the dait the nynteine day of Januar, the yeir of God jM vjC saxteine yeirs, togider with the letters of assignatione and dispositione maid be the said Dame Margaret Cairnecroce to his hienes lovitt Sir Patrick Hamiltoun, now of Prestoun, knicht, heretable proprietar of the saidis lands, his airs and assignais, of hir lyfrent of the said tak and richt of the saidis teinds of the lands abonespecifiet contenit in the contract and appointment maid betuix the said Sir Patrick Hamiltoun, thairin designit Maister Patrick Hamiltoun, brother germane to his hienes richt traist cowseine, Thomas, earle of Hadingtoun, lord Bining and Byres etc., one the ane pairt, and the said Dame Margaret, with consent of certane persones specifiet thairin, one the uther pairt, of the dait the auchteine day of Junii, jM vjC nynteine yeirs; togider also with the letters of assignatione maid be the said Johne Hairt, sumtyme of Litle Prestoun, sone and air of the said umquhile Sir Williame Hairt, to the said Sir Patrick Hamiltoun and his forsaidis, of the forsaid tak and assedatione sett, maid and grantit be the said reverend father in God, with consent abonespecifiet, to the said umquhile Sir William Hairt and his saidis spous and sone and thair forsaidis, of the saidis teindscheaves of the said towne and lands of Litle Prestoun, with thair forsaidis, and of all uthers takes, richts and titles of the saidis teinds sett, maid and grantit to the said Johne and his said umquhile father, and to Williame Hairt, his brother, or any of thame, of the saidis teinds, quhilk assignatione is daittit the sevint day of December, jM vjC tuentie ane yeirs; togider lykwayes with the letters of ratificatioun maid and grantit be Sir James MacGill of Cranstoun Riddell, knicht, ane of the senators of the colledge of justice, of the tak and assedatioun abonespecifiet of the teindscheaves forsaidis, and assignatione and dispositione of the samyne respective abonementionat, maid and conceavit in favours of the said Sir Patrick Hamiltoun and his forsaidis, and assignatione maid be the said Sir James MacGill to the said Sir Patrick Hamiltoun and his forsaidis of the takes and richts of the teinds of the saidis lands of Litle Prestoun contenit in the contract and appointment maid betuix the said Sir James MacGill, thairin designit Maister James MacGill of Cranstoun Riddell, with consent of Hew MacGill, ane of the prebendars of the colledge kirk of Corstorphine, one the ane pairt, and the said Sir Patrick Hamiltoun, one the uther pairt, of the dait the tuentie aucht day of August, jM vjC tuentie tua yeirs, registrat in the buikes of counsall upon the samyne day and yeir, in all and sundrie heads, clauses, articles and conditiones contenit in the saidis tak, assignationes, dispositiones and ratificatioun thairof forsaidis, efter the formes and tennors of the samyne in all pointes. And his majestie, with consent forsaid, wills and grants and, for his hienes and his successors, decernes and declairs that the forsaid tak and assedatioun and assignationes, dispositiones and ratificatioun thairof respective abonespecifiet ar good and valeid richtes to the said Sir Patrick Hamiltoun, his airs and assignais for bruiking and joysing of the saidis teindscheaves of the towne and lands of Litle Prestoun, with thair forsaidis, in all tyme coming, ordaining thir presents to be ane sufficient warrand to the clerk of register and his deputtes for extending of ane act of parliament heirupon in dew and competent forme.

  1. NAS, PA2/21, f.133r-v. Back