Act in favour of Maister James Bannatyne of Newhall

Oure soverane lord, with advyse and consent of the estates of this present parliament, hes ratifiet and approvine and, for his majestie and his successours, with advyse and consent forsaid, be thir presents ratifies and approves the chartors and infeftments respective wnderwrittine, alienationes, venditiones and dispositiones respective eftirspecifiet contenit thairine, with the precepts of sasing insert in the samyn, maid, givin and grantit be the persones respective eftirmentionat to his hienes trustie and weilbeloved counsallour Maister James Bannatyne, now of Newhall, ane of the senators of his majesties colledge of justice, designit thairine Maister James Bannatyne of Newtyle, ane of the commissioners of Edinburgh, in maner eftirmentionat, viz: the chartor and infeftment, with the precept of sasing insert thairin, maid and grantit be Thomas Cockburne, elder, of Newhall, and Williame Cockburne, younger, of Newhall, his eldest lawfull sone and appeirand air, with advyse, expres consent and assent of certane persones thairincontenit in maner thairinmentionat, and be all the saidis persones, with ane consent and assent, to the said Maister James Bannatyne, his airs and assignais quhatsumever heretablie and irredimablie without any maner of reversione, redemptione, regres, band, promeis or conditione of reversione or redemptione quhatsumever, of all and haill the lands of Newhall, with the toure, fortalice, maner place, orcheards, yeards, pairts, pendicles and pertinents thairof, with the mylne and mylne lands of Newhall, astrict multurs and sequells of the samyne, and of all and haill the lands of Billingruge, Howden, Hiemurecroce, Wodheid and Wodfute, with the houses, biggings, yeards, toftes, croftes, pairts, pendicles and pertinents, all lyand within the constabularie of Hadingtoun and shirefdome of Edinburgh, to be haldin fra the saidis Thomas and Williame Cockburnes, and thair airs, of George Lawder of Bass, his airs and successors, than thair immediat lawfull superiors of the saidis lands, mylne and uthers abonewrittine, with the pertinents, in fie and heretage for ever, of the dait at Edinburgh, the saxt day of July, the yeir of God jM vjC tuentie yeirs; togider with the chartor of confirmatione thairof maid and grantit be James Livingstoun, grwme of his majesties bedchamber, now superior of the saidis lands, mylne and uthers abonewrittin in place of the said George Lawder of Bass, late superior thairof, in favours of the said Maister James Bannatyne, be the quhilk he ratifiet and approvit and confirmit the said chartor aboneexpremit conteining the said precept of sasing, venditione and alienatione contenit thairin, in the haill pointes, articles, conditiones, clauses and circumstances thairof in forme and maner thairincontenit, of the dait at Quhytehall, the thretteine day of July, the yeir of God jM vjC threttie yeirs; with the chartor, infeftment and precept of sasing insert thairine, maid and grantit be the saidis Thomas and Williame Cockburnes, with consent forsaid, and in maner abone contenit to the said Maister James Bannatyne and his forsaidis heretablie and irredimablie as said is, of all and haill the lands of Cokburne, cum bosco et herbagio earundum; and of all and haill that pendicle of the saidis lands of Cokburne, callit the merkland of Boltoun, with the houses, biggings, yeards, pairts, pendicles and pertinents thairof, lyand in the baronie of Boltone, constabularie and shirefdome forsaid, to be haldin fra thame and thair airs of Johne, then vicount and now earle of Lawderdaill, and his successors, thair immediat superiors thairof, in frie blensche, fie and heretage for ever, of the dait at Westnisbet, the fourteine day of August, jM vjC tuentie yeirs forsaid; with the chartor of confirmatione and new dispositione and precept of sasing insert thairin, maid and grantit be the said Johne, then vicount and now earle of Lawderdaill, superior of the saidis lands, in favours of the said Maister James Bannatyne and his forsaidis, be the quhilk he ratifiet, approvit and confirmit the said chartor conteining the said precept of sasing and of new gave, grantit and disponit the samyne lands in favours of the said Maister James Bannatyne and his abonespecifiet in maner thairin contenit, to be haldine in frie blensche, fie and heretage in maner thairinmentionat, of the dait at Edinburgh, the tuentie saxt day of July, the yeir of God jM vjC tuentie tua yeirs; and with the haill uther chartors, infeftments and precepts of sasing contenit thairin or a pairt maid and grantit be the said George Lawder of Bass and the said Johne, earle of Lawderdaill and his predicessors, in favours of the said Maister James Bannatyne and his forsaidis, and of the saidis Thomas and Williame Cockburnes, thair authors and predicessors of the saidis lands, mylne and uthers respective abonespecifiet, to be haldin of the said George Lawder of Bass and the said Johne, earle of Lawderdaill, thair airs or successors respective or of thair saidis predicessors, thair airs and successors in fie and heretage, with all chartors of confirmatione of the samyne and uthers richts, titles and secuirities thairof quhatsumever, of quhatsumever dait or daitts, tennor or contents the samyn be of; togider also with his majesties chartor of confirmatione under the great seale grantit in favours of the said Maister James Bannatyne, confirmand all the saidis chartors, precepts, richts, titles and secuirities forsaidis, particularlie and generallie abonerehearsit, of the dait at Halyrudhous, the second day of Apryll, jM vjC threttie tua yeirs, in the haill heads, articles, clauses, conditiones and circumstances thairof respective. And wills and grants and, for his majestie and his successors, with advyse and consent forsaid, perpetuallie decernes and ordaines that this present generall confirmatione, ratificatioun and approbatione is, and sall be, of als great availl, force, strenth and effect to the said Maister James Bannatyne, his airs and assignais forsaidis for the peacible bruiking, joysing and posseding of the saidis lands, mylne and uthers forsaidis, with the pertinents, haldin of the saidis superiors respective as said is, as if the saidis haill chartors, precepts, richts, titles and secuirities particularlie and generallie aboneexprest wer at lenth word be word heirine exprest; anent the quhilks and all that hes followit or may follow thairupon and all faults and imperfectiones that may be proponit or alledgit againes the validitie heirof or this present generall ratificatioun and approbatioun of the samyn, his majestie, for him and his forsaidis, with consent abonenamit, hes dispensit and be thir presents dispenses for now and ever. And his majestie, with the advyse of the thrie estates, decreits, statuits, finds, declairs and ordaines the forsaidis haill infeftments to be guid, valeid and effectuall richts quhairby the said Maister James Bannatyne, his airs and successors may peaciblie posses, braik, and injoy the saidis lands and uthers in all tyme coming.

  1. NAS, PA2/21, f.112r-v. Back