Act of naturalizatione of certane noblemen and gentlemen of England

Oure soverane lord, with advyse, consent and assent of the thrie estates of parliament, for the good and trew service done to his majestie be Endimeone Porter, Sir James Palmer, knicht, Sir Harie Knolles, knicht, Sir Harie Hungate, knicht, Sir Umphra Stylles, knicht and baronett, Sir Johne Fairweill, Sir Philip Lauden, Sir Cornelius Pharmedoe, Sir Richard Young, knicht and baronett, Sir Francis Kenniestoun, Sir Richard Grahame, knicht and baronett, Sir Williame Sandersone, Sir Johne Barrough, Williame Leneue, York herauld, Rodger Feilding, Edward Sydenhame, Thomas Jermane, Thomas Carletoun, Hadriane Scroupe, Johne Cran, esquire, Nicolas Pae, esquire, Sir Richard Greine, Thomas Bray, Thomas Astoun, Robert Woode, Randolph Church, Williame Harvie, doctor of phisick to his majestie, Charles Smith, Johne Tychburne, Johne Tempell, George Theobalds, Thomas Mynne, knicht, harbinger, Williame Laik, Edmond Taverner, Harie Wrochten, [...] Evens, [...] Kellie, Hew Henne, Haward Biccarkstaff, Edward Dacaris, George Rodolph, [...] Wetekerline, Johne Throuchgood, Mathow Howland, Sir Jerveis Cliften, Edward Brane, Thomas Holmes, Sir Richard Tychburne, knicht and baronett, Robert Terwhite, Sir Arthure Capile, knicht, Vmphra Rodgers, Sir Thomas Eurling, Sir Sanders Duncombe, Sir Henrie Reive, Sir Richard Lethford, Williame Eyre, Thomas Hoptene, Davie Kirk, Francis Sydname, George Windhame, Johne Saltingstall, Johne Bocare, Thomas Fraser, Rodger Higis, Sir Williame Robiesone, Richard Musgrave, Francis Grahame, Nicolas Selvin, Thomas, earle of Cleveland, Williame Smysbie, Clement Kennetstie, Sir Thomas Alsburrie, knicht and baronett, maister of requeists, Johne Anstie, gentleman uschwer quarter waitter, Spenser, earle of Northamptoun, and Thomas Calwell, barbour to his majestie, thairfor naturalizes thame and ilkane of thame as native borne subjects of the realme of Scotland, als frielie in all respects as if they thameselffes had beine borne withine the samyne; and declairs thame and everie ane of thame to be capable of all and quhatsumever dignities, honors and offices within the kingdome of Scotland, and to have full libertie and friedome to buy and acquire and conqueis quhatsumever lands, heretages, anuelrents, houses, tenements and uthers quhatsumever goodes, moveable and wnmoveable, and to posses and injoy the same ather be successioun, conqueis or frie donatione or utherwayes howsoever, with full libertie and power also to thair airs male or female of lyn, conqueis or taillie, to succeid to all and quhatsumever thair lands and heretages, houses, tenements and uthers, thair goodes, moveable and wnmoveable, quhatsumever, with full power and libertie also to thame to mak thair testaments, latter willes and be the same to dispone upon quhatsumever goods and geir perteining to thame within this his majesties kingdome of Scotland, or quhich heirefter sall happin to perteine to thame, to name executors in thair said testaments, and to leive and dispone legacies to quhatsumever persone or persones of quhatsumever goods or geir perteining to thame, and to name tutors, ane or mae, to thair childreine and minors and to injoy, posses and use all and quhatsumever priveledges, immwnities and liberties competent or that may be competent to any native subject borne within this his majesties realme of Scotland.

  1. NAS, PA2/21, f.51r-v. Back