[1633/6/50]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Oure soverane lord and estaits of parliament, taking to thair consideratione the particular articles following presentit by the commissioners of the schyres, viz: first tuitching the scarsitie of his majesties coyne, both of gold and silver, of this kingdome and of the frequent course of dollors and base copper money quhairby his majesties liedges susteines great prejudice. Item, that ane penaltie be sett downe upon the breackers of the actes of parliament maid anent mettis and measures. Item, to sett downe in the buik of rattes ane pryce to the clerk of the billes for allowance of comprysingis; hes remitted, and remittes, the samyne to the lordes of his majesties privie counsall, and gives and grants full power, authoritie and commissioun to the saidis lords to appoint and sett downe such sattellit course and remedie anent the premisses as they sall find most expedient for the weill and benefeit of his majesties lieges, and finds and declairs that quhat the saidis lords of privie counsall sall find expedient thairanent sall have the force, power and strenth of ane act and decreit of parliament.