[20 June 1633]

Tertia dies parliamenti

Procedure: preamble

Parliamentum dicti excellentissimi principis Caroli Dei gratia Scotiae, Angliae, Franciae et Hyberniae regis fideique defensoris, tentum apud Edinburgh vigesimo die mensis Junii anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo trigesimo tertio per ipsum dominum regem et omnes regni status infra scriptos una cum officiariis parliamenti subsequentibus presentibus etiam comite de Erroll, constabulario, comite Marescalli, marescallo, et Andrea Quhyte adjudicatore.

Sectis vocatis et curia legitime affirmata.

  1. NAS, PA2/21, f.4r. Back
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  7. NAS, PA2/21, f.6r. Back
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  7. NAS, PA2/21, f.6r. Back

The same day his majestie and estaits of parliament, being convenit in the parliament hous, the court of parliament being fensit and the suittes callit, his majestie, the clergie and nobilitie past furth of the parliament hous and his majestie reteirit to the inner great roume of the exchecker hous, the clergie to the litle exchecker hous and the nobilitie to the inner hous quhair the lords of sessioun sittes; and they being sett, the saids noblemen electit for the clergie the persones underwrittine to be upon the articles, viz:

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  6. NAS, PA2/21, f.5v-6r. Back
  7. NAS, PA2/21, f.6r. Back
Committee members: lords of the articles

Domini electi ad articulos

And the clergie electit the persones underwrittine for the nobilitie to be upon the articles, viz:

Domini electi ad articulos

And thairefter immediatlie the clergie and nobilitie being convenit togidder in the said innerhous quhair the lordes of sessioun sittes, and having maid publicatione of thair severall electiones, they all jointlie togidder electit and choysed the persones following of the commissionars of the barounes and frie burrowes to be upon the articles, viz:

Domini electi ad articulos

Domini electi ad articulos

And thaireftir, notice of the saidis electiounes being givin to his majestie, his majestie enterit into the said inner hous, and, in presence of the saidis clergie and nobilitie, nominat his officiares of estate underwrittine to be upon the articles, viz:

Domini electi ad articulos

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  6. NAS, PA2/21, f.5v-6r. Back
  7. NAS, PA2/21, f.6r. Back

And als nominat the chancellar to preside among the saids haill lords of the articles in all thair meitings. And thaireftir his majestie, with the clergie and nobilitie reenterand into the said parliament hous and his majestie being sett in his throne, and the haill estaits having takin thair places, publicatioun was maid of the saids electioun and nominatione. And thaireftir his majestie and estaits of parliament ordanit the lordes of the articles to meit everie day in the inner hous of the tolbuith of Edinburgh at ten houres befor none, thair to treatt and deliberat upon such actes, articles, petitiones, ratificationes and uthers as sall be proponit in articles to be concludit in parliament. And ordaines the haill estaits to wait within the towne of Edinburgh quhill the end of this present parliament under the paine of law.

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  2. NAS, PA2/21, f.4r-5r. Back
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  4. NAS, PA2/21, f.5r-v. Back
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  6. NAS, PA2/21, f.5v-6r. Back
  7. NAS, PA2/21, f.6r. Back

The same day comperit Sir Thomas Hope of Craighall, knicht baronett, his majesties advocate, as procurator lawfullie constituit be Williame, erle of Anguis, lord Dowglas and Abernethie, and gave in the band underwrittine, desyring the same to be insert in the buikes of parliament thairin to remain ad futuram rei memoriam. Quhilk desyre his majestie and estaits of parliament thocht reassonable and thairfor ordanit the same to be insert in the saids buikis of parliament to the effect forsaid, off the quhilk band the tennor followes:

Be it kend till all men be thir present letters we, Williame, erle of Anguis, lord Dowglas and Abernethie etc., for the dew respect we carie to his sacred majesties gratious pleasure and at his majesties speciall desyre to have frielie and voluntarlie resignit, renuncit, quytte and simpliciter overgivin, lykas we for ws, oure airs and successors in the erledome of Angus, be thir presents, frielie and voluntarlie resigne, renunce, quytte and simpliciter overgive in his majesties hands for ever all clame, title or pretence of richt quhatsumevir that we, oure predicessors or successors as Erles of Angus had, hes or can pretend to the priveledge and prerogative of the first sitting and voting in his majesties parliaments, conventiounes of estaits or uther publick assemblies and meittings quhatsumevir within his majesties kingdome of Scotland, ather be the infeftments grantit to ws and oure predicessors [as] erles of Angus, or be custome or any uther maner of way quhatsumevir, to the effect that we and oure forsaids may be simpliciter denudit thairof in all tyme coming; but prejudice alwayes to ws and oure forsaids of oure uther priveledges, honors and dignities belonging to ws and contenit in the infeftments grantit to ws and oure predicessors thairupon. And for the mair securitie we ar content and consent that thir presents be insert and registrat in the buikes of the high parliament of Scotland, or in the buikes of his majesties honorable privie counsall of the said kingdom, or in the buikes of counsall and sessioun thairof, or in all or in any of thame, thairin to remaine ad futuram rei memoriam, and to have the strenth of ane act and decreit of any of the saids judicatories. And for that effect constituits Sir Thomas Hope of Craighall, knicht and baronett, oure procuratore, promitten de rato, in witnes quhairof we have subscrivit thir presents, writtine be Andro Cheisholme, servitor to Maister Robert Burnett, younger, advocate, with oure hands at the palace of Dalkeith, the fourteine day of Junii, the yeir of God jM vjC and threttie thrie yeiris, befor thir witnesses: Alexander, erle of Linlithgow, lord Levingstoun and Calendar etc., Sir Alexander Strachane of Thornetoun, knicht baronett, Sir Walter Stewart of Mynto, knicht, and the said Maister Robert Burnet, and als Williame, vicount of Striveling, and Williame, maister of Striveling, his sone. Et sic subscribitur: Angus, Linlithgow, witnes, Sterling, witnesse, W. Alexander, witnes, A. Strachan, witnes, W. Stewart of Mynto, witnes, M. Robert Burnet, witnes.

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  6. NAS, PA2/21, f.5v-6r. Back
  7. NAS, PA2/21, f.6r. Back

Oure soverane lord and the forsaids lordes of the articles, with the saids officers of estait and with my lord chancellar as president to the saids lordes of the articles and officers of estate, satte daylie and ilk day within the said inner hous of the tolbuith of Edinburgh and advysed upon the whole articles, petitiones, ratificatiounes, actes, statuites, lawes and uthers presentit to thame in parliament frome the said tuentie day of Junii to the tuentie aucht day of the said moneth; upon the quhilk tuentie aucht day of Junii his majestie, with the haill estaits of parliament, concludit the samyne parliament in maner following.

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  2. NAS, PA2/21, f.4r-5r. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/21, f.5r. Back
  4. NAS, PA2/21, f.5r-v. Back
  5. NAS, PA2/21, f.5v. Back
  6. NAS, PA2/21, f.5v-6r. Back
  7. NAS, PA2/21, f.6r. Back