Letter: king's letter to the estates
Anent the King's Calsey in Cowiemonth

The whilk day the missive letter underwrittin, signed be the king's majestie and directed to the estaits presentlie conveenned, wes presented to the saids estaits and read in their audience, of the whilk the tennour followes:

Charles R[ex], right trustie and right weilbelovit cousine and counsellor, right trustie and weilbelovit cousines and counsellours, right trustie and weilbelovit counsellours and right trustie and trustie and weilbolovit, we greit yow weill. Whereas we have beene humbelie moved in behalfe of our trustie and weilbelovit Robert Buchan that ather some moneyes might be leveyed frome all suche persons there as would willing contribute to the repairing and uphalding of the way callit the King's Calsey in Cowiemont (being the ordinarie roade frome the north to the south parts of that our kingdome), or if anie lands can be found to have beene formerlie appropriated for uphalding thairof that the rents of the same may be converted to that use, the intentioun seeming to tend to a publict good, manie persouns being muche troubled (as we ar informed) in thair passage by decay of that way; we have beene the rather pleased to take notice of this purpose and to recommend it to yow that if yow find the passage fitt to be helped yow consider of the expediencie of the demands, and if anie of thame (thought most fitt by yow) can be lawfullie and convenientlie grantit, that by that meanes yow give order to proceid in suche maner as by yow sall be thought most fitt and requisite to be prescribed for the repairing and upholding that way heerafter. And if anie motioun or expedient sall be proposed unto yow by the said Robert tuicheing this purpose, we ar willing (that if yow find the same fitting to be granted) that yow give way thairunto in regarde of his earnestnesse to see that worke effected, whairof (in respect as we ar informed of the neerenesse of his dwelling to that passage) we thinke fitt that he have the charge. Whiche recommending to your care, we bid yow fareweill. Frome our court at Whitehall, the 28 of June 1630.

Quhilk missive being heard and considderit be the saids estaits, and they weill advised thairwith, the estaits gives commissioun and warrand be thir presents to the justices of peace within the shirefdomes of Aberdein and Kincardin and the provest and bailleis of Aberdein to consider, try and informe thameselffes by the best way and meanes they can of the charges and expenses whilks the mending of the said way callit the King's Calsey in Cowiemonth will necessarilie require, and to report to the lords of his majesteis privie counsell thair opinioun thereanent to the intent order may be takin how and by whome the moneyes sall be advanced and the worke perfyted.

  1. NAS, PC1/34, f.18r-v. Back