Procedure: commission's report
Report of the committee anent the articles for the fishing

The whilk day, the committee nominat be the estaits for the fishing reported to the publict meiting that they having mett and conferred upon the articles and instructiouns sent doun be his majestie concerning the fishing, they fand the associatioun with England to be verie inconvenient to the estait. And tuicheing the land fishing, whilk consists in fishing within loches and yles and twentie aucht myles frome the land coast and whilk is proper to the natives and whairof they have beene in continuall possessioun and never interrupted thairin be the Hollanders, the burrowes wer able and, accordinglie, wer content to undertake the said land fishing by thameselffes without communicating thairin with anie other natioun, provyding they be allowed to sett doun thair plantations in commodious and opportune places for following out of the fishing. And concerning the bushe fishing, that the seasoun thairof for this yeere wes alreadie spent, and the mater being of great importance required ane competent tyme to be advised thairwith.

It being demanded if Englishmen being permitted by his majestie to fishe in the loches might bring thair fishes to free ports and sell thame to the lieges, it wes answered that they may not be the lawes of the kingdome.

  1. NAS, PC1/34, f.17v-18r. Back