Procedure: commission

Quhilks being read and considderit be the estaits, and they acknowledging his majesteis royall and princelie care towards the credite, wealth and advancement of this his ancient kingdome manifested so powerfullie in the letter and instructiouns abonewrittin, and being carefull to give his majestie suche satisfactioun thairin as they ar able to performe, thairfoir they have nominat and appointed and, be the tennour heirof, nominats and appoints and with that gives commissioun to the Erles of Rothes, Buchane, Cassills, Kingorne and Carrick, the Lords Yester, Gray, Lovat, Rosse, Lowdoun, Torphichin, Balmerinoch, Ramsay, Burlie and Wemes for the temporall estait, with suche of the lords of privie counsell as sall be delegate to that effect, and to the Bishops of Dunkelden, Aberdein, Murrey, Brechin, Caithnes and the Iles for the clergie, and to Sir Robert Gordoun, knight barounet, the Lairds of Thornetoun, Cranstounriddill, Caprinton, Aldbar, Din, Donypace, Glennegeis, Ley, younger, Rickartoun, Wauchton, Reresse, Smetoun, Pittodrie, Kelburne, Corsehill, Johne Areskine of Balgownie, George and Alexander Bruces for the gentrie, and to Alexander Clerk, James Guthrie, Thomas Halyburton, Paul Meinzeis, Maister James Cockeburne, Johne Cowane, Maister Johne Hay, Maister Alexander Guthrie, Gabriel Cuninghame, James Watsone, Johne Williamsone, Patrik Hunter, Robert Alexander and Robert Richartsone, with suche as sall be nominat and givin up be the burrowes, to conveene and meit the morne at sevin of the clocke in the morning and to conferre, reasoun and treate upon the propositioun foresaid made be his majestie anent the fishing and upon the meanes and possibilitie how to bring the same to ane good conclusioun and to make overtures thereanent, and to propone and report the same to the estaits at thair nixt meiting.

  1. NAS, PC1/34, f.15r. Back