
Quhilk missive letter and articles being read, heard and considderit be the saids estaits and it being propouned unto thame with whilk of the saids articles they would begin, the saids haill estaits, out of thair humble affectioun to his majesteis service, all in one voice agreed and voted that they would begin with the taxatioun to be grantit be thame to his majestie. And thereafter, it being propouned unto the estaits what sould be the quantitie of the taxatioun and thair opiniouns and voices being takin thereanent, it wes agreed and voted that his majestie sould have ane taxatioun ordinar and extraordinar of the lyke quantitie and proportioun and for so manie termes and yeeres as wes grantit in the former taxatioun in October 1625, beginnand the first termes payment thairof at Martimes nixt, and so furth yeerelie and termelie during the foure yeeres of the ordinar taxation and aucht termes of the extraordinar taxatioun, quhairupon the twa acts underwrittin conteaning the grant of the said taxatioun and the forme and order of the payment thairof and ingaddering of the same wer drawin up, read, heard and allowed be the estats, of the whilk acts the tenuour followes:

  1. NAS, PC1/34, f.2r. Back