[1628/9/1]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Parliamentum potentissimi principis Caroli Dei gratia Magne Britannie, Francie et Hibernie regis fideique defensoris tentum et inchoatum apud Edinburgum decimo quinto die mensis Septembris anno antedicto virtute commissionis sub testimonio sui magni sigilli de data apud aulam de Bewlie duodecimo mensis Augusti 1628 per suos commissionarios subscriptos videlicet Wilielmum comitem de Monteythe, praesidem secreti consilii, Thomam comitem de Hadingtoun, eiusdem secreti consilii custodem sigilli, Georgium comitem de Wintoune, Alexandrum comitem de Lynlythgow, dominum Archibaldum Achesone de Clancairne, secretarium, dominum Joannem Hammiltoune de Magdalenis, rotulorum registri ac consilii clericum, et dominum Thomam Hope barronettum de Craighall. militem, advocatum dicti supremi domini nostri regis. Sectis vocatis, curia affirmata.
[1628/9/2]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Whilk parliament being sua fensitt be the saidis commissionars abonenamed and the suttis callit, compeirit Walter Hay, advocat for and in name of the Erll of Erroll, constable, as also compeirit Maister Johnne Oliphant, advocat for and in name of the Erll Marschell, and lykewayis compeirit Schir Lues Lauder of Adinstoun, knicht, schires principall of Edinburghe, and his deputtis, with David Aikinheid, proveist of the burghe of Edinburghe, and Andro Whyt, keipar of the tolbuithe of the said burghe, dempster of the said court of parliament.
Thaireftir the said Schir Thomas Hope, his highnes advocat, desyrit the foresaid commissioune to be publictlie red with ane lettre whiche he produceid frome his majestie for continowatioun of the said parliament, beirand date frome his highnes court at Southwik 28 August 1628 yeiris, for continowing of the said parliament whill 15 April 1629 yeiris; quhilk commissioune and lettre foresaid being accordinglie red, the said Schir Thomas Hope, advocat, askit instrumentis upoun the productioun and reiding thairof.
The saidis commissionaris abonenamed, conforme to his majesteis will and pleasure signifeid in the foresaid letter, hes continowit and continowis this present parliament in the same forme, force and effect etc., with all summondis, actiounes, causis and utheris materis belonging thairto whill the fyftene day of April nixtocume 1629 yeiris, to be then holdin at Edinburghe or whair it sall happin his majestie and his hienes privie counsall to appoynt and direct be thair lettres be oppen proclamatioune for that effect; and ordanes the whole estaittis of parliament and all utheris oure soverane lordis leigeis to await and attend thairupoune under the panes contenit in the actis of parliament of this realme. Wpoun the fensing of the quhilk parliament and continowatioune thairof unto the day foresaid, the said Schir Thomas Hope, his hienes advocat, for his majesties interes, askit instrumentis.