Anent the repairing to parliament, conventionis and counsell

Whereas thair hes bene divers actis of parliament, conventioun and secreit counsell maid and publist heirtofore whairby all his majesties subjectis wer dischargit to repair to the towne or place whair his majesties parliament, conventioun, counsell or justice sittis with grittar traynes nor is allowed unto thame be the saidis actis, under certane paneis mentionat and contenit thairintill, nochtwithstanding the not executioun of the saidis actis and punisheing of the offendaris hes procurit the brek and violatioun of the same actis to the heigh contempt of his majesties auctoritie and lawis; thairfore the estaittis ordanis all the saidis actis to be putt in executioun aganis the contravenaris thairof, and recommendis the prosequutioun of the same to the lordis of secreit counsell. And sicklike the estaittis statutes and ordanis that no persone nor personis of what rank or qualitie soever thay be present thameselffis befoir his majesties counsell, outher as persewaris or defendaris, bot be thameselffis allone, accompanied with one at the most whan the counsell sall allow thairof, under the pane to be punist thairfore at the arbitriment of the counsell.

  1. NAS, PC1/31, f.80r-v. Back