[Additional commissioners of supply; act read, amended and approved; petitions recommended to queen; letter to queen approved]

Prayers said.

Rolls called.

Minutes of the last sederunt read.

Additional list of commissioners of supply for several shires given in and read, and ordered to be added to the commissioners formerly named for the said respective shires.

Thereafter the act concerning public debts read a second time, and again read over by paragraphs, and, after some amendments and additions, the act as amended was voted and approved.

Petition for [John Lindsay], earl of Crawford for an allowance for his father's charges and trouble as president to the parliament of 1690 read, and the petition recommended to her majesty in the terms of a deliverance upon the petition.

Then it was moved that now, in the conclusion of the parliament, a letter to her majesty be brought in, and a draft of a letter being accordingly brought in and read, the same, after some amendments, was voted and approved.

Thereafter the following petitions, namely: petition of Thomas Lockhart, surveyor at Leith, petition of Ensign William Dick, petition of [Robert] Henderson, librarian of the college of Edinburgh, were all moved and recommended to her majesty in the terms of the deliverances on their respective petitions.

  1. NLS. A.115.a.1, Printed Minutes No.88, 1-2 or NAS. PA6/36, 265, f.88-88v. Back
[Petition granted; petitions recommended to queen; overture read]

Petition of Alexander Black and partners of a starch manufactory, for enduing their work with the privileges of other manufactories and for imposing a duty on foreign starch, read, and the desire thereof granted in part, according to a deliverance on the petition.

James Finlayson, servant to Mr Robert Alexander, one of the clerks of council and session, recommended to her majesty's treasury, according to a deliverance on his petition.

Petition of John Hamilton, town clerk of Irvine, moved and recommended to her majesty in the terms of a deliverance thereon.

Overture for an act in favour of manufactories for wool read, and a first reading ordered to be marked thereon.

  1. NLS. A.115.a.1, Printed Minutes No.88, 1-2 or NAS. PA6/36, 265, f.88-88v. Back
[Petition read and delayed; recommendations to queen; continuation]

Petition for James Cunningham of Auchinharvie, younger, moved, and the consideration thereof delayed until the next sederunt of parliament.

Thereafter John Corse, writer in Edinburgh, and John Smith, late muster-master depute, were recommended to her majesty, according to deliverances on the respective petitions.

Then the lord chancellor, by order of her majesty's high commissioner, adjourned the parliament until tomorrow at 10 o'clock.

[James Ogilvy, earl of] Seafield, chancellor, in the presence of the lords of parliament

  1. NLS. A.115.a.1, Printed Minutes No.88, 1-2 or NAS. PA6/36, 265, f.88-88v. Back