[Recommendation made; petition read and delayed; report and overture read and remitted to committee]

Prayers said.

Rolls called.

Minutes of the last sederunt read.

Upon a motion made in favour of Mr James Anderson, he was recommended to her majesty in the terms of a recommendation apart, signed by the lord chancellor.

Petition for the officers of the army in relation to the payment of their arrears read, and it was agreed that the same shall be taken into consideration when the parliament comes to consider the public debts.

Report of the committee anent the accounts of the African and Indian Company again read, as also the overture anent the accounts of the said company, and, after reasoning thereon,

It was agreed that those of the African Company who paid the first moiety of the seven and a half per cent and therein got allowance of the annualrent of twenty five per cent formerly paid from 1 June 1696 to 1 August 1698 shall not now have allowance of the annualrent of the said twenty five per cent preceding 1 August 1698, and remitted to the committee to rectify the account accordingly.

  1. NLS. A.115.a.1, Printed Minutes No.80, 1 or NAS. PA6/36, 256, f.80. Back

The committee appointed to meet tomorrow at 9 o'clock.

Then the lord chancellor, by order of her majesty's high commissioner, adjourned the parliament until Friday next at 10 o'clock.

[James Ogilvy, earl of] Seafield, chancellor, in the presence of the lords of parliament

  1. NLS. A.115.a.1, Printed Minutes No.80, 1 or NAS. PA6/36, 256, f.80. Back