Monday 3 March 1707

[Report read and related overture ordered to be printed; warrant granted; petition read and granted]

Prayers said.

Rolls called.

Minutes of the last sederunt read.

Report of the committee anent the accounts of the African and Indian Company again read.

As also an overture anent the accounts of the said company brought in and read, and, after discourse thereon, it was moved to proceed on the report of the committee.

Moved also to delay proceeding until the next sederunt of parliament that the overture be printed, and, after debate, it was put to the vote proceed to the report of the committee or print the overture, and it carried print.

Warrant granted on a petition to cite the creditors of Alexander Colville of Kincardine in order to his obtaining a protection.

Petition of Lady Mary Bruce and William Cochrane of Ochiltree, her husband, against [Alexander Bruce], earl of Kincardine and answers thereto read, and the desire of the petition granted in the terms of the deliverance thereupon.

  1. NLS. A.115.a.1, Printed Minutes No.79, 1 or NAS. PA6/36, 255, f.79. Back
[Representation read; consideration of gratuity for clerks delayed; petition read and granted]

Representation from the council of trade, reporting to the parliament their procedure, and recommending their clerk and other persons employed by them for a gratification for their pains, read, and it was agreed to give the council of trade the thanks of the house for their pains and attendance, and to take the case of the clerk and other persons employed by them into consideration when the parliament comes to consider the public debts.

Petition for Sir John Shaw of Greenock and Sir Archibald Campbell of Clunes, craving payment of a sum expended by them in prosecution of their commission for keeping out of Irish victual etc. and an allowance in time coming, read and the desire thereof granted in the terms of the deliverance thereon.

  1. NLS. A.115.a.1, Printed Minutes No.79, 1 or NAS. PA6/36, 255, f.79. Back
[Order of business; acts read and approved; continuation]

Agreed that the action at the instance of Sir Patrick and James Ogilvie, elder and younger, of Boyne against their creditors shall be called and taken into consideration first of all private business, and next thereto the action at the instance of George Dundas against his creditors.

Then the following acts, namely: act anent forestairs and outshoots in that wynd called Mary Wynd in the burgh of Stirling, act in favour of [James Livingstone], earl of Linlithgow and Callander, and act in favour of [Cicilia Wedderburn], lady Littlegill and her son, were all separately read a second time and separately voted and approved.

Then the lord chancellor, by order of her majesty's high commissioner, adjourned the parliament until Wednesday next at 10 o'clock.

[James Ogilvy, earl of] Seafield, chancellor, in the presence of the lords of parliament

  1. NLS. A.115.a.1, Printed Minutes No.79, 1 or NAS. PA6/36, 255, f.79. Back