[M1706/10/72]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Prayers said.
Rolls called.
Minutes of the last sederunt read.
Act in favour of the burgh of Dundee for an imposition of 2d upon the pint of ale and beer to be brewed and vended within the bounds and for the uses mentioned therein read a second time, and, after reasoning thereon, a clause was offered to be added thereto empowering overseers and managers of the said imposition, and with power to determine how it shall be uplifted, whether out of the malt or out of the liquor. And a petition given in for the brewers of Dundee against the said act was read, and another clause was offered to be added to the said act in favour of Mr James Anderson in these terms: with this provision, as it is hereby expressly provided and declared, that the said imposition is and shall be burdened with the sum of £1,200 yearly for the space of six years, to be paid to Mr James Anderson, writer to the signet, or his assignees, as a part of the expenses of the work recommended to him by the parliament, and that at two terms in the year Martinmas [11 November] and Whitsunday [15 May], beginning the first term's payment at Martinmas 1707, and ordains the magistrates of the said burgh to make payment of the same accordingly. Which being read it was agreed to add the said clause, and, after further reasoning on the said act, several other amendments were made thereupon. And, after debate on the above petition for the brewers and clause in relation to the management, it was put to the vote approve of the act as amended or add the clause, and it carried approve.
Then the lord chancellor, by order of her majesty's high commissioner, acquainted the parliament that in this session of parliament another two days shall be appointed for private business.
Draft of an act for dissolution of the lands of Orkney and Shetland from the crown in favour of [James Douglas], earl of Morton read, and agreed that the feu duty payable therefore shall be £6,000, and that the queen's hawks be reserved; and a first reading ordered to be marked thereon, and agreed that the said act shall be first proceeded upon the first sederunt for private business preferable to all others.
Petition of John Henry Huguetan, craving to be naturalized, and also craving a protection again read, and thereafter, an act for his naturalization was also read. And likewise an act for the naturalization of Colonel Scipio Hill; Lieutenant Colonel Henry Verriere of her majesty's regiment of foot guards; Lieutenant Colonel John Cadder, captain in Major General Maitland's regiment; Captain Theodore Durie, her majesty's chief engineer; Captain Daniel Charlott, brigadier in her majesty's troop of guards; Captain John Burjond in Colonel Grant's regiment; Captain James Cavalier, lieutenant in her majesty's troop of horse grenadiers; Ensign Peter Charantoun, in [William Gordon Sutherland], lord Strathnaver's regiment; Peter Cregutt, formerly lieutenant in Sir William Douglas's regiment; Jeremiah Bossugne, adjutant to Major General Maitland's regiment; Mr James Le Blanc and Daniel Lafagette, merchants; Joshua Legoux, servant to [John Ker], earl of Roxburghe; Francis Gobron, late servant to [John Lindsay], earl of Crawford; Peter Bishop, alias La Marr, servant to [John Lyon], earl of Strathmore; Mr John Godfrey, preacher of the Gospel; and Major Belthazer Guydett, captain of dragoons in [William Kerr], marquis of Lothian's regiment, was read, and a first reading ordered to be marked upon the saids acts
And, after debate upon the above petition, as to the protection it was moved that a deliverance be granted thereon in the following terms, namely: that for the better enabling the petitioner to re-establish his affairs and satisfy his just debts, protection be granted for the space of seven years to the petitioner's person, and also that protection for the space aforesaid be granted to the petitioner's goods and estate heritable and moveable against diligence at the instance of creditors for such debts as have been contracted before April 1705, excepting such debts as have been contracted to any of the subjects of her majesty's dominions, or such debts as have been originally contracted to the subjects of her majesty's allies, or which shall be made appear by the creditors before the judge ordinary to have been transferred to them in good faith, and for adequate onerous causes before 12 December last, providing always the petitioner resides within this kingdom during the time of the said productions.
And, after further debate, it was put to the vote grant protection to the petitioner in the above terms or delay until the act for his naturalization gets a second reading, and it carried grant protection in the above terms.
Agreed that the act in favour of the burgh of Aberdeen for an imposition in the terms mentioned therein be under consideration the first sederunt for private business next to the act in favour of [James Douglas], earl of Morton.
Then it was intimated that there being an action upon the protest for remedy of law, Sir Thomas Dalziel of Binns against the Lady Caldwell and her husband, the procurators for the Lady Caldwell and her husband be ready to answer against the next sederunt for private business, and Sir David Dalrymple [of Hailes] authorised to plead for the pursuer.
Petition for the heritors and tradesmen of the Canongate for a remit to the commissioners of supply of the shire to value their tenements and yards and to establish a settled valuation thereof that, according to the valuation, they may pay their proportion of cess to the good town for their relief thereof, read and appointed to be seen and answered against the next sederunt of parliament for private business.
Agreed that my lord chancellor rank and bring in private business the following days in parliament for private business as he finds just.
Then the lord chancellor, by order of her majesty's high commissioner, adjourned the parliament until Monday next at 10 o'clock.
[James Ogilvy, earl of] Seafield, chancellor, in the presence of the lords of parliament