[M1706/10/67]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Prayers said.
Rolls called.
Minutes of the last sederunt read.
Saturday next appointed for private business.
Thereafter the sixteenth article of union was read twice over, and the following words were added thereto: 'and that the present offices of the mint be continued, subject to such alterations etc.'. And the article as amended being again read over, after reasoning thereon, a memorial was given in in relation to the losses by the coin, and remitted to the committee to whom the sixth and eighth articles were remitted.
Then the vote was put approve of the sixteenth article or not, and it carried approve.
Moved that a proclamation be issued forth lowering the value of the current coin of this kingdom to the true standard, and remitted to the above committee to be proceeded on by them prior to all other business.
The seventeenth article of union was then read, and, after some reasoning thereon, it was put to the vote approve of the seventeenth article or not, and it carried approve.
Thereafter the eighteenth article of union was read, and, after reasoning thereon, an overture was given in for adding a clause in these terms: that all Scotsmen be exempt from the English sacramental test, not only in Scotland but in all places of the united kingdom and dominions thereto belonging, and that they be declared capable of offices throughout the whole without being obliged to take the said test.
And, after debate, it being moved that it was not now entire to add the said clause in relation to the sacramental test, in respect of the vote of parliament of 12 November last against adding the same clause, after some further discourse thereon,
It was agreed that the same should be put to the vote, and that the members' votes be marked, and the list of their names as they shall vote be printed and recorded.
Then the vote was put whether it was entire to add the clause or not, and it carried not.
Thereafter the vote was put approve the eighteenth article or not, and it carried approve.
Act for adjourning the session to 1 February next to come given in and read, and a first reading ordered to be marked thereon.
Then the nineteenth article of union was read and delayed until the next sederunt of parliament and to be then taken under consideration.
The committee appointed to meet tomorrow at 9 o'clock.
Then the lord chancellor, by order of her majesty's high commissioner, adjourned the parliament until Thursday next at 10 o'clock.
[James Ogilvy, earl of] Seafield, chancellor, in the presence of the lords of parliament
[M1706/10/68]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
In the parliament 31 December 1706, two states of a vote were offered, the first in these terms: whether it was entire to add a clause declaring Scotsmen capable offices throughout the whole united kingdom and dominions thereto belonging without being obliged to take the sacramental test of England, and the second in these terms: approve of the eighteenth article of union, yes or no, whereupon the vote was put whether it was entire or not. And it carried not, and the list of the members' names as they voted entire or not ordered to be printed is as follows:
[M1706/10/69]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
In the parliament 31 December 1706, a vote was stated in these terms: approve of the eighteenth article of union, yes or no. And it carried approve, and the list of the members as they voted approve or not (ordered to be printed) is as follows: