[Protest over precedency; additional list of commissioners of supply submitted]

Prayers said.

Rolls called.

[Alexander Sinclair], earl of Caithness protested against calling of [William Cunningham] earl of Glencairn in the rolls of parliament before him.

Minutes of the last sederunt read.

Additional list of commissioners of supply for the shire of Caithness given in and read, and ordered to be added to the commissioners formerly named for that shire; and all members allowed to bring in lists of commissioners of supply to be added to those already named at any time during this session of parliament.

  1. NAS. PA3/7, Printed Minutes No.41, 1 or NAS. PA6/36, 195, f.41-41v. Back
  2. '15' in NAS. PA3/7 printed minutes. Back
[Article of union and reports of the committee read, amended and approved]

Thereafter the last clause of the eighth article of union in relation to the allowing of premiums and drawbacks was read, as also a report brought in from the committee to whom the said eighth article was remitted, inserted in the minutes of 17 November instant, number 39, in these terms: but in respect it appears from the books of the Royal Fishery Company confirmed by practice that the quantity 102 1 0 8 8/1 2 0 0 of pound weight avoir du pois of foreign salt, which pays 8s 4d of duty, is necessary for the right curing and packing a barrel of white herring, therefore there shall be allowed and paid during the present allowances for other fishes, for every barrel of white herring which shall be exported, 10s sterling.

And another report brought in from the said committee was also read in these terms: that 16s 8d upon every barrel of salmon, 6s 8d upon every barrel of red herring, that £2 10s upon every hundred cod fish, ling or hack of 24 inches and upwards from the bone in the fin to the third joint of the tail, £1 5s sterling for every such fish of the length of 18 inches and upwards and under 24 inches, and one moiety of the aforesaid allowance for every such fish dried commonly called haverdenes of the same dimensions (being the drawbacks allowed by the English laws upon the exportation of those fishes) are sufficient encouragements.

And, after reasoning on the above several reports, it being moved a higher drawback should be allowed upon the exportation of white herring,

After some further debate thereon, the said last clause of the eighth article of union was agreed to with this addition: that there shall be allowed and paid to the subjects inhabitants of Great Britain during the present allowances for other fishes, for every barrel of white herring which shall be exported from Scotland, 10s 5d sterling.

  1. NAS. PA3/7, Printed Minutes No.41, 1 or NAS. PA6/36, 195, f.41-41v. Back
  2. '15' in NAS. PA3/7 printed minutes. Back
[Report of the committee read and delayed; continuation]

Thereafter another report brought in from the said committee was likewise read in these terms: that there ought to be no drawback upon the exportation of salted beef and pork. And, after debate thereupon, the further consideration thereof was delayed until the next sederunt of parliament.

Then the lord chancellor, by order of her majesty's high commissioner, adjourned the parliament until tomorrow at 10 o'clock.

[James Ogilvy, earl of] Seafield, chancellor, in the presence of the lords of parliament

  1. NAS. PA3/7, Printed Minutes No.41, 1 or NAS. PA6/36, 195, f.41-41v. Back
  2. '15' in NAS. PA3/7 printed minutes. Back