[M1706/10/18]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Prayers said.
Rolls called.
Minutes of the last sederunt read.
Representation and petition of the commission of the general assembly of this church, representing several difficulties in relation to some of the articles of union and craving suitable remedies, read.
Then the following addresses were given in and read, namely: address of the inhabitants of the parish of Tulliallan subscribing the same; address of the magistrates, town council, merchants, deacons of crafts and other tradesmen and inhabitants within the burgh of Dunfermline, subscribers of the same; and an address by the heritors, merchants, masters of ships, mariners and other inhabitants in the town of Bo'ness subscribing the same, all against allowing of an incorporating union with England upon the terms contained in the articles.
As also an address of the inhabitants of the parish of Blantyre, subscribers of the same, and an address of heritors and commoners of the parish of Avondale subscribing the same, that no union be hastily entered into with England, were likewise given in and read.
Thereafter an act for security of the true Protestant religion and government of the church as by law established within this kingdom was again read.
Moved that the consideration of the said act may be delayed until the next sederunt.
Moved also that the parliament proceed to the consideration of the act for a supply.
And, after some reasoning on these motions, it was agreed to lay aside the act for security of the Protestant religion and church government for this sederunt, and to proceed to the act for a supply, and accordingly the act for a supply was again read.
And it was agreed to that a supply of eight months' cess should be granted to her majesty for the ends and uses mentioned in the act, extending to £577,066 13s 4d, and that it should be payable at the terms following, namely: one month's supply upon 10 December for Martinmas [11 November] next, one month and a half month's supply at Candlemas [2 February] 1707, one month and a half at Whitsunday [15 May], one month and a half at Lammas [1 August], one month and a half at Martinmas the said year and one month's supply at Candlemas 1708.
Moved that in place of the retention of a twelfth part of annualrents allowed by the above act for a supply, there be an allowance granted for retention of a sixth part of annualrents; and, after some reasoning thereupon, it was put to the vote approve of the article concerning the retention or amend, and it carried approve.
And, after some amendments, the act was voted and approved.
Then the lord chancellor, by order of her majesty's high commissioner, adjourned the parliament until tomorrow at 10 o'clock.
[James Ogilvy, earl of] Seafield, chancellor, in the presence of the lords of parliament