[1706/10/284]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Prayers said. Rolls called.
Ordered that the ratifications and warrants for fairs, to be craved this session of parliament, be given in to be revised, and her majesty's high commissioner appoints [David Boyle], earl of Glasgow, lord treasurer depute, [Sir James Stewart of Goodtrees], the lord advocate, [Adam Cockburn of Ormiston], the lord justice clerk, and any one of the solicitors, or any two of the whole, to revise the same.
[1706/10/285]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Thereafter the first sederunt of parliament (after passing the act settling the manner of electing and summoning the representatives for Scotland to the parliament of Great Britain) was appointed for private business.
Then the motion made the former sederunt anent allowing no charges nor expenses to the representatives from the shires and burghs of this kingdom to the parliament of Great Britain resumed. And, after debate thereon, the vote was put, whether there shall be a clause in relation to the charge and expenses of the representatives for shires and burghs inserted in the act settling the manner of electing etc., yes or no, and it carried no.
[1706/10/286]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Thereafter, it was moved that at all meetings of the peers for electing of their representatives, such peers as are absent be allowed to have votes in the said election by proxies, the said proxies being peers, and they and their constituents being qualified at the time by taking the oaths required by law, and that the said absent peers may either vote by their proxies or by sending up lists subscribed by them. And, after reasoning thereon, the vote was put, allow proxies in the above terms, yes or no, and it carried allow. Agreed that the meeting of the peers for the said elections shall be at any place her majesty shall appoint within the limits of Scotland.
Agreed also that in case of the decease or legal incapacity of any of the forty-five commoners to be chosen out of this session of parliament to the parliament of Great Britain, the shire or stewartry or district of burghs, for which he is a member, shall choose another in his place.
Agreed likewise that, in case of the decease or legal incapacity of any of the sixteen peers, the peers shall meet and elect another in place of the deceased.
Moved that such peers of Scotland who are likewise peers of England, or who, after the union, shall be created peers of Great Britain, have no vote in the election of the sixteen peers from Scotland to the parliament of Great Britain.
And, after debate thereon, it was put to the vote, whether any clause in relation to the said motion shall be inserted in the above act settling the manner of election etc., yes or no, and it carried no.
Thereafter, it was agreed that when the votes of the commissioners for burghs, who shall meet for electing their representative, are equal the president of the meeting shall have a casting or decisive vote besides his vote as a commissioner representing the burgh from whom he is sent, and that the commissioner for the eldest burgh shall preside at the first meeting, and the commissioner for the other burghs by turns as the burghs are now called in the rolls of parliament.
Then the lord chancellor, by order of her majesty's high commissioner, adjourned the parliament until tomorrow at 10 o'clock.