[1706/10/254]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
As also another protest was given in by the duke of Hamilton in these terms.
Forasmuch as there is a protestation made in behalf of the duke of Douglas in relation to his pretensions of having the first seat and vote in parliament, which protestation being altogether groundless, therefore I, James, duke of Hamilton, do protest in the contrary in regard that none of the said duke of Douglas his predecessors had or enjoyed any such privilege since there were dukes or marquises created in Scotland, and my predecessors were dignified with patents of marquis and duke successively long before he or his predecessors had the same. Secondly, William [Douglas], earl of Angus, the said duke his predecessor, did upon 4 June 1633 resign all right and claim that he or his predecessors or successors had or should have to that privilege of first sitting and voting in parliament in his majesty's hands, which resignation is registered in the books of parliament, 20 June 1633. Thirdly, I and my predecessors have been in continual possession of having the first seat and of first voting in parliament, and have been first called in the rolls of parliament past memory of man, and upon this protestation I take instruments and desire the same to be inserted in the records of parliament.
And the several protesters and givers in took instruments upon their respective protests.