Procedure: twenty-second article, paragraph read and debated

Then the second paragraph of the said twenty-second article anent the calling of the representatives from Scotland to the parliament of Great Britain beginning thus, 'and that when her majesty etc.' and ending, 'that the names of the persons so summoned and elected shall be returned by the privy council of Scotland into the court from whence the said writ did issue', was again read and, after some reasoning, an explanation was offered to be added after these words according to the agreement in this treaty, namely 'in such manner as by a subsequent act of this present session of the parliament of Scotland shall be settled, which act is hereby declared to be as valid as if it were a part of and engrossed in this treaty'. And, after further reasoning, it was moved that the way and manner of choosing the representatives for Scotland to the parliament of Great Britain be determined, and that a clause to that purpose be engrossed in this article. And, after debate, the vote was stated, approve of the second paragraph of the said twenty-second article as above explained, yes or no. Whereupon, it being moved to delay the said vote until the next sederunt of parliament, a previous vote was stated, proceed or delay, and it carried proceed.

Then it was put to the vote, approve of the said second paragraph of the twenty-second article of union with the above explanation above inserted or not.

  1. NAS. PA6/36, f.53/218v (note parallel folio system). Back