
Prayers said. Rolls called.

  1. NAS. PA6/36, f.33/183 (note parallel folio system). Back
  2. For alternative text see PA6/36, f.185: 'In the parliament 6 December 1706 two states of a vote being proposed, the first in these terms, namely approve of the fourteenth article of union as amended or not, and the second in these terms, approve or amend, whereupon the vote was put whether first or second should be the state of the vote, and it carried first, and the list of the members as they voted first or second (ordered to be printed) is as follows'. This passage does not appear in APS. Back
Procedure: minutes read

Minutes of the last sederunt read.

  1. NAS. PA6/36, f.33/183 (note parallel folio system). Back
  2. For alternative text see PA6/36, f.185: 'In the parliament 6 December 1706 two states of a vote being proposed, the first in these terms, namely approve of the fourteenth article of union as amended or not, and the second in these terms, approve or amend, whereupon the vote was put whether first or second should be the state of the vote, and it carried first, and the list of the members as they voted first or second (ordered to be printed) is as follows'. This passage does not appear in APS. Back
Procedure: fourteenth article read, vote on amendment, vote to be printed

The fourteenth article of union as amended was again read, as also the clause offered to be added to the said article inserted in the minutes of the last sederunt, as to the exemption from any other customs, excises, taxes or any other burdens or duties than those consented to in this treaty and, after debate, there were two states of a vote proposed, the first in these terms, approve of the article as amended or not, and the second in these terms, approve or amend, and before voting, it was agreed that the members shall be marked as they shall vote in both votes, and that the list of their names shall be recorded and printed accordingly.

Then it was put to the vote which of the two shall be the state of the vote, first or second, and it carried first.

  1. NAS. PA6/36, f.33/183 (note parallel folio system). Back
  2. For alternative text see PA6/36, f.185: 'In the parliament 6 December 1706 two states of a vote being proposed, the first in these terms, namely approve of the fourteenth article of union as amended or not, and the second in these terms, approve or amend, whereupon the vote was put whether first or second should be the state of the vote, and it carried first, and the list of the members as they voted first or second (ordered to be printed) is as follows'. This passage does not appear in APS. Back