[1706/10/125]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Thereafter the fourteenth article of union was again read, and an amendment and addition thereto was offered in these terms: and that the part of the united kingdom now called Scotland shall not in all time coming be charged with any malt tax or any other customs, excises, taxes or any other burdens or duties than those consented to in this treaty. And, after some reasoning upon the first part of the said clause in relation to the malt tax, it was proposed that the amendment should be in these terms: with this further provision that any malt to be made and consumed within that part of the united kingdom now called Scotland shall not be charged with any imposition on malt during this present war. And, after some further debate, the vote was stated, whether the exemption from any imposition on malt shall be temporary or perpetual. Then the vote was put whether the exemption shall be temporary or perpetual, and it carried temporary.
Thereafter it was proposed that the exemption shall be during this present war and it was also proposed that the exemption shall be for a longer time.
And after debate thereon, the vote was stated, whether the exemption from any imposition on malt shall be during this present war or for a longer time, and it carried during this present war.
Then the article as amended was again read, and the further consideration thereof delayed until the next sederunt of parliament to be then proceeded upon prior to all other business.
Then the lord chancellor, by order of her majesty's high commissioner, adjourned the parliament until tomorrow at 10 o'clock.