Procedure: eighth article read and remitted to committee

Then the eighth article of union was read and remitted to the committee to whom the sixth article is remitted.

  1. NAS. PA6/36, f.30/180 (note parallel folio system). Back
Procedure: act for adjourning the session read and continued

Act for adjourning the session until 1 January next read, and a clause was offered to be subjoined thereto in these terms: and further her majesty, with advice and consent foresaid, statutes and ordains that the session which is appointed to rise the last day of February next be continued to sit for administration of justice to the lieges from the said day to the last day of March 1707 inclusive. Which being read the consideration of the said clause delayed until the act be again read, and a first reading was ordered to be marked on the act.

  1. NAS. PA6/36, f.30/180 (note parallel folio system). Back