Order: printed declaration to be burnt and printer discovered

A print was then given in entitled An account of the burning of the articles of union at Dumfries, bearing the declaration read and affixed at the market cross thereof by the tumult assembled on that occasion, and it being moved that enquiry shall be made who has been the printer and submitter of the said scurrilous paper and that the print be burnt by the hand of the hangman, it was remitted to the committee to whom the sixth article of union is remitted to call for the magistrates of Edinburgh, and to take trial and make enquiry anent the printer and submitter of the said paper. Ordered also that the said scurrilous print be burned by the hand of the common hangman at the market cross of Edinburgh upon Monday next between 11 and 12 o'clock and the magistrates of Edinburgh appointed to see the orders punctually executed.

  1. NAS. PA6/36, f.30/180 (note parallel folio system). Back