[M1705/6/31]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Prayers said, rolls called.
Minutes of the last sederunt read.
Petition for [David Erskine], earl of Buchan, craving a competent time to enter heir with the benefit of inventory to his predecessors last infeft, read. Ordered that the same lie upon the table until the third sederunt this week appointed for private business, to the effect all persons having interest may see and answer the same against the said diet.
The draft of an address to her majesty, presented by [John Gordon], earl of Sutherland, read.
Another draft of an address to her majesty, presented by [Andrew Fletcher], laird of Saltoun, read.
Overture of an act ordaining and enacting that the commissioners to be named by her majesty for the part of Scotland shall not enter upon a treaty until the clause in the English act declaring us aliens be rescinded, read.
Moved that the parliament proceed in this matter by way of order of parliament and by addressing her majesty, and not by way of act of parliament. And, after debate, it was put to the vote proceed by way of order and address or by way of act and address, and carried by way of order and address.
Then agreed and ordered by the estates of parliament, nobody dissenting, that the commissioners to be named by her majesty for the kingdom of Scotland shall not commence the treaty of union until the clause in the English act declaring the subjects of Scotland aliens be rescinded.
Thereafter the parliament proceeded to consider the draft of the address to her majesty that was first given in, and, after some amendments thereon, it was put to the vote approve the address or not, and carried approve, nobody dissenting.
Overture of an act for encouraging the exportation of beef and pork read and a first reading marked thereon.
Then the lord chancellor, by order of her majesty's high commissioner, adjourned the parliament until tomorrow at 10 o'clock.
[James Ogilvy, earl of] Seafield, chancellor, in the presence of the lords of parliament