[1705/6/169]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Our sovereign lady and estates of parliament, considering that fairs and markets in convenient places tend much to the good and advantage of the inhabitants thereof and of her majesty's other lieges dwelling near thereto, and that it is very fit for these ends to authorise four yearly fairs and a weekly market, on the days following, at the town of Kilmichael-Glassary, lying in the shire of Argyll, and belonging to Sir James Campbell of Auchinbreck, do therefore, by this act, appoint four fairs to be kept yearly, in all time coming, one thereof to begin on 15 May, another on 22 July, another on Michaelmas day [29 September] and the other to begin on 20 October, and each of them to continue two days, and a weekly market to be kept, in all time coming, every Tuesday, at the said town of Kilmichael-Glassary; and have given and granted and hereby give and grant to the said Sir James Campbell, his heirs and successors, the right and privilege of keeping the said yearly fairs and weekly market for all kinds of merchandise, with all the tolls, customs and casualties thereof, and all other liberties, privileges and advantages used and wont to belong to any having the privilege of keeping fairs and markets within this kingdom.