
Prayers said. Rolls called.

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Procedure: minutes read

Minutes of the last sederunt read.

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Petition: read and continued

Petition for Patrick [Kinnaird], lord Kinnaird, craving a stay of personal execution against him and of real diligence against his estate for some time, read, and the same ordered to be under consideration the first day for private business.

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  4. NAS. PA2/39, f.19v-20. Back
Procedure: act for supply read and continued

Act for a supply to be granted to her majesty for maintenance of the standing forces, forts, garrisons and frigates presented by [David Boyle], earl of Glasgow, lord treasurer depute, read and the same craved to have a first reading.

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Procedure: consideration of the plot

Moved that there being an address last session of parliament for transmitting the papers relating to the late plot, the parliament may be satisfied what answer is given to the said address. Upon which motion her majesty's commissioner declared he had received a letter from her majesty relating thereto, and that he would signify her majesty's pleasure therein to the parliament the third sederunt next week, whereupon the said sederunt was appointed for enquiring into that plot.

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Procedure: act for supply and order of business

Moved that the act of supply shall have now a first reading but, before a second reading be given to it, that the parliament will come to a conclusion in the affair of the treaty and such branches of trade as shall be necessary to consider in relation to the clauses in the English act.

Also moved that there be an addition to the former motion in these terms, that the parliament will likewise pass such acts as shall regulate the balance of trade to the advantage of the nation before a second reading, and, after some reasoning, it was put to the vote, add or not, and carried in the negative.

Then a first reading marked on the act for a supply.

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Order: printing of accounts

Ordered that the charge and discharge of funds from August 1704 to July 1705 be printed.

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Procedure: order of business

Agreed that the parliament next sederunt proceed to the consideration of the act for a treaty with England prior to all other business.

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Procedure: adjournment

Then the lord chancellor, by order of her majesty's high commissioner, adjourned the parliament until tomorrow at 10 o'clock.

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  4. NAS. PA2/39, f.19v-20. Back