[1705/6/56]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Prayers said. Rolls called.
The overture for an act anent the way of choosing officers of state etc., in case of her majesty's death without heirs of her body, read.
Overture for limitations on the successors of her majesty (deceasing without heirs of her body) who shall be likewise kings of England, read.
Overture for an act for a triennial parliament read.
[1705/6/57]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Moved that there be a first reading marked upon the act anent the way of choosing officers of state after the death of her majesty. Moved that there be a first reading marked upon the act for a triennial parliament. Also, moved that the further consideration of these acts be delayed, and after debate it was put to the vote, proceed or delay, and carried proceed.
Agreed that a first reading be marked upon the act anent the choosing officers of state. Also, agreed that a first reading be marked upon the act for a triennial parliament.
Moved that the parliament next sederunt proceed to consider the act anent the way of choosing officers of state which was presented before the act for a triennial parliament. Also, moved that they proceed first to the act for a triennial parliament and, after debate, it was put to the vote which of these acts the parliament should first proceed on, and carried proceed to the act for the way of choosing officers of state next sederunt prior to all other business.