Draft of an act for a treaty with England presented by [John Erskine], earl of Mar, read.
Another draft of an act for a treaty with England presented by [William Kerr], marquis of Lothian, read.
Draft of an act anent the way of choosing officers of state, privy councillors and members of exchequer and treasury, in case of her majesty's decease without heirs of her body to succeed to her, presented by [John Hamilton/Leslie], earl of Rothes, read.
Draft of an act for advancing and establishing the herring fishing in and about this kingdom, read.
Another draft of an act anent herring and white fishing, read.
Draft of an act discharging the importation of brandy and all foreign spirits, read.
Draft of an act anent the exportation of wool and skins and woollen yarn, read.
Ordered that these acts be printed for information of the members.
[1705/6/30]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Report of the commission for public accounts in relation to Doctor [Hugh] Chamberlain's proposal read, as also the doctor's proposal, with the objections against the same and answers made to the objections, all read, and after reasoning upon it the further consideration of the proposal was delayed until the second sederunt of parliament next week.