[1705/6/25]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Prayers said. Rolls called.
Minutes of the last sederunt read.
Proposal by Doctor Hugh Chamberlain, anent a land credit, read and ordered to be printed.
The draft of the act discharging the importation and wearing of muslin, calico and other foreign linen, again read and, after some amendments upon the said act, a first reading ordered to be marked thereon.
The draft of the act discharging all English, Irish and foreign butter and cheese, again read and, after some amendments, a first reading ordered to be marked thereon.
The draft of the act discharging the importation of victual from England and Ireland, again read and, after some reasoning thereon, ordered to lie upon the table.
Act adjourning the summer session to 1 November next read, and put to the vote, mark a first reading or not, and carried in the negative.
Then the lord chancellor, by order of her majesty's high commissioner, adjourned the parliament until tomorrow at 10 o'clock.