[Acts read and ordered to be printed; petitions granted]

Prayers said, rolls called and the absent members marked.

Minutes of the last sederunt read.

Act for an additional representation of commissioners of barons to the parliament read, and, after reasoning, it was put to the vote mark a first reading thereon or lie on the table, and carried mark a first reading, which was ordered accordingly and the draft ordered to be printed.

Act for securing free voting in parliament read, and a first reading ordered to be marked thereon and that it be printed.

Petition of Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Campbell of Finnab, craving payment of arrears due to him, read, and ordered that £200 sterling be paid to him out of the first and readiest of the tack duty due by Sir William Menzies [of Gladstains] on the account of his said arrears and good service in Caledonia.

Petition of [John Lindsay], earl of Crawford, craving relief of his engagements for the public for clothing his regiment and payment of arrears due to him, read, and ordered that Sir William Menzies [of Gladstains], out of the first and readiest of the sums due by him, pay to the petitioner what he is engaged in for clothing as shall be instructed before the treasury or commission to be named for auditing the public accounts.

  1. NAS. PA3/7, Printed Minutes No.19, 1-2 or NAS. PA6/36,96, f.1-1v. Back
[Order of business; petition granted; petition remitted to commission]

Petition of [John Murray], duke of Atholl and the officers of his late regiment, petition of [William Kerr], marquis of Lothian and the officers of the regiment of dragoons under his command, petition of [Thomas Livingston], viscount of Teviot, petition of Lieutenant General [George] Ramsay and the officers of her majesty's regiment of foot guards, petition of Colonel George MacGill, petition of Sir William Douglas, petition of Lieutenant Colonel John Hepburn, craving relief of their engagements for the public for clothing their regiments and payment of the arrears due to them, petition of Captain [John] Slezer, craving relief for clothing the artillery company, all read, and the several petitions to be considered when the accounts come in.

Petition of Mr Charles Campbell, craving payment of arrears due to him, read, and ordered that £100 sterling be paid him to account.

Petition of Captain Robert Taylor, craving that a sum of money advanced by him for supplying the garrison of Cambusmore may be repaid to him with interest, read, and remitted to the commission to be named for auditing the accounts to enquire relating thereto and to report.

  1. NAS. PA3/7, Printed Minutes No.19, 1-2 or NAS. PA6/36,96, f.1-1v. Back
[Petition delayed; petition read; petition granted]

Petition of [William Hamilton], lord Bargany, craving a decreet of the commission of parliament anent the poll to be suspended, read, and Sir John Cochrane appointed to see and answer again the next diet of parliament, but the parliament refused to delay execution in the meantime.

Petition of Sir William Menzies [of Gladstains], craving detention of a sum of money for clothes furnished by him to the regiment of [John Murray], duke of Atholl, then earl of Tullibardine, read.

Petition of Frances [Herbert], countess dowager of Seaforth, craving an aliment, read, and, after reasoning, it was put to the vote grant the desire of the petition, yes or no, and carried in the affirmative, and £500 sterling granted to her of yearly aliment out of the estate of Seaforth during the dependence of the process before the lords of session.

  1. NAS. PA3/7, Printed Minutes No.19, 1-2 or NAS. PA6/36,96, f.1-1v. Back
[Order of business; act and commission delayed; continuation]

Moved that the parliament proceed to the accounts of the public funds, likewise moved that they proceed to the act anent the wool. And, after reasoning thereon, it was put to the vote proceed to the wool act or to the accounts next diet of the parliament, and carried first to the wool act and then to the accounts, prior to all other business.

Moved that the act and commission for plantation of kirks and valuation of teinds be read in order to have a first reading marked thereon, and, after reasoning, it was put to the vote proceed or delay, and carried delay.

The lord chancellor, by order of the lord high commissioner, adjourned the parliament until Tuesday next at 10 o'clock.

[James Ogilvy, earl of] Seafield, chancellor, in the presence of the lords of parliament

  1. NAS. PA3/7, Printed Minutes No.19, 1-2 or NAS. PA6/36,96, f.1-1v. Back