[1704/7/122]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Petition of Sir Alexander Bruce of Broomhall and partners craving repayment of disbursements for the army out of some proper funds read, and remitted to the commission for public accounts, this remit neither suspending execution against him and partners, nor at his cautioners' and partners' instance against him for their relief.
Petition of Sir George Hamilton craving payment of bygone salaries due to him, read and remitted to the commission to consider his case and determine therein as they shall find just, in manner following.
Her majesty's high commissioner and the estates of parliament having heard the petition of Sir George Hamilton of Tulliallan, humbly showing to them that where his majesty King William, of ever glorious memory, by his letters patent of the date at Kensington, 5 January 1691, and thereafter expedited under his majesty's great seal of this kingdom, did nominate and appoint the petitioner receiver general of the funds of supply and inland excise and paymaster general of the army, which offices by the said letters patent the petitioner was to bruik and enjoy until the same were recalled by his majesty, with all the profits and emoluments known to appertain to the said office, and for the petitioner's pains and trouble in the discharge thereof, £600 sterling of yearly salary was appointed to him by the said letters patent, as the same produced with the said petition bear. The petitioner did enter upon the said office and continued therein several years and discharged the same to the satisfaction of the lords of treasury and all others concerned, as is well known to several of their lordships, and he received two years and three months' salary and there is yet due to him upwards of five years preceding the king's death, his commission not having been recalled during that time. And, therefore, craving his grace and honourable estates of parliament to consider the circumstances and ordain the petitioner to be paid of the bygone salaries due to him in the way and manner and out of such funds as his grace and their lordships should think most proper, as the said petition bears. And her majesty's high commissioner and the said estates, having considered the said petition this day, they remitted and hereby remit to the commissioners for the public accounts to consider the petitioner's case and determine therein as they shall find just.
Petition of Cornet John Murray craving payment of arrears, read and remitted to the commission.
Petition of James Maxwell, John Drummond and James Dunlop, late general receivers, craving payment of the balance of an account due to them, read and remitted to the commission to consider the petitioners' case and determine therein.
Petition of Isobel Kerr, lady Manderston, craving payment of arrears due to her deceased husband, read and remitted to the commission.
Petition of [Elizabeth Talmash], duchess of Argyll craving payment of arrears due to the late [Archibald Campbell], duke of Argyll, read and remitted to the commission.
Petition of Captain James Stevenson craving payment of arrears due to him, read and remitted to the commission.
Petition of Sir William Hope of Balcomie craving payment of arrears due to him, read and remitted to the commission.