
Prayers said. The rolls called.

  1. NAS. PA2/38, f.114v. Back
Procedure: minutes read; act debated and continued

The minutes of the last sederunt read.

The act anent peace and war proceeded in, and several clauses were offered relating to the manner of treating and managing treaties of peace; and there being an alteration offered adapting it to a clause leaving everything relating to treaties of peace, alliance and commerce to the wisdom of the sovereign, with consent of the estates of parliament who shall declare the war, after some debate the vote was stated, approve or alter and carried alter. Then another additional clause being offered and read anent the bringing forces into or transporting forces furth of this kingdom for foreign service without consent of parliament, the consideration thereof was delayed.

  1. NAS. PA2/38, f.114v. Back
Procedure: adjournment

The lord chancellor, by order of her majesty's high commissioner, adjourned the parliament until tomorrow at 10 o'clock.

  1. NAS. PA2/38, f.114v. Back