
Prayers said. The rolls called.

  1. NAS. PA2/38, f.70v. Back
Procedure: minutes read; oaths taken

The minutes of the last sederunt read.

The earls [John Cunningham, earl of] Glencairn, [Charles Home, earl of] Home, [James Stewart, earl of] Galloway, [Alexander Bruce, earl of] Kincardine, [John Keith, earl of] Kintore, [George Gordon, earl of] Aberdeen, [George Melville, earl of] Melville and [Patrick Hume, earl of] Marchmont, the viscounts [David Murray, viscount of] Stormont and [Thomas Livingston, viscount of] Teviot, the lords [William Forbes, lord] Forbes, [William Fraser, lord] Saltoun, [Robert Colville, lord] Colville [of Ochiltree] and [Robert Rollo, lord] Rollo, and Sir James Stewart [of Goodtrees], her majesty's advocate, took the oath of allegiance and oath of parliament and subscribed the allegiance and assurance.

Sir John Lauder of Fountainhall, William Morrison of Prestongrange, Duncan Forbes of Culloden, Alexander Duff of Braco and James Brodie, laird of Brodie, as commissioners for shires, David Christie [of Balsillie], Mr James Melville [of Halhill], Robert Johnston [of Kelton], William Coltrane [of Drummorall], George Moncrieff [of Sauchope] and Sir William Hamilton [of Whitelaw], as commissioners for burghs, in like manner took the oath of allegiance and oath of parliament and subscribed the allegiance and assurance.

  1. NAS. PA2/38, f.70v. Back