Minutes of the last sederunt read.
Act recognising her majesty's royal authority, read the second time and voted and approved, nobody dissenting.
Act adjourning the session until 1 July next, read the second time and voted and approved.
Act for securing the true Protestant religion and presbyterian government, read the second time.
Sir Alexander Bruce [of Broomhall], commissioner for the burgh of Sanquhar, having said upon the reading this act that the act of parliament establishing presbyterian government did contain things inconsistent with the essence of the monarchy, he was hereupon called to the bar, and not giving satisfaction he was ordered to withdraw; and the question being put expel him out of the parliament or not, it carried in the affirmative, nobody dissenting; and a warrant was ordered to the burgh of Sanquhar to elect a new commissioner in his place in manner following.
[1702/6/25]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Her majesty's high commissioner and the estates of parliament, in respect that Sir Alexander Bruce [of Broomhall], commissioner to this present parliament for the burgh of Sanquhar, is expelled from the parliament by a sentence of this date, grant order and warrant to the magistrates and town council of the said burgh to elect a commissioner to represent the said burgh in this parliament to replace the said Sir Alexander Bruce, at Sanquhar on 18 June, and ordain intimation to be made hereof in the usual manner.
Thereafter the act, being again read, was voted and approved, nobody dissenting.
[1702/6/26]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Act declaring the present meeting of parliament to be a lawful and free meeting of parliament, was read the second time, and voted and approved, nobody dissenting.
Upon information that some advocates had met to draw and sign an address concerning the meeting of parliament or other public matters, warrant was granted to macers to cite the dean of faculty and advocates to appear before the committee for security of the kingdom tomorrow at 10 o'clock in the morning, and to bring with them the said paper each of them who has or had, or fraudulently have put away the same, as they will be answerable at their highest peril.
[1702/6/27]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The act for a national fast the second Thursday of July next, read the second time and voted and approved.
Then the above acts, namely: act recognising her majesty's royal authority; act adjourning the session; act for securing the Protestant religion and presbyterian government; act declaring the present meeting of parliament to be a lawful and free meeting of parliament; and act for a national fast were all, by her majesty's high commissioner, touched with the sceptre in the usual manner, and ordered to be published and printed, of which several acts the tenors do follow.
[1702/6/28]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The estates of parliament, considering that by the death of the late King William, of ever glorious memory, the crown and royal dignity of this kingdom is, according to the Claim of Right and by undoubted right of succession, devolved upon Queen Anne, our present gracious sovereign, and that her majesty has duly sworn the coronation oath conforming to the said Claim of Right; therefore the estates of parliament, for themselves and in name and behalf of the whole subjects of this kingdom, do hereby assert, recognise and acknowledge her majesty's royal power and authority over the said kingdom, and her undoubted right and title to the imperial crown thereof, ratifying and approving, likewise they hereby ratify and approve the administrating of the said coronation oath to her majesty upon the decease of the late king by the lords of privy council that were then at London and their attestation made thereupon, with the proclamation of her majesty's privy council here in Scotland for proclaiming her majesty's said right and title. And her majesty, with advice and consent of the said estates of parliament, does declare that it is and shall be high treason in any of the subjects of this kingdom, by writing, speaking or any other manner of way, to disown, quarrel or impugn her majesty's royal power and authority or right and title to the crown; and further, her majesty, with advice and consent foresaid, statutes and ordains that the oath of allegiance hereto subjoined shall be sworn, and the same with the assurance added to it subscribed by all persons of public trust, civil, ecclesiastic and military, who have not yet sworn and subscribed the same to her majesty, according to the tenor of the sixth act of the fourth session of this present parliament, entitled, act for taking the oath of allegiance and assurance, and recommends it to the lords of her majesty's privy council to cause the said oath of allegiance and assurance to be further taken in manner foresaid, at such times and in such methods as they shall appoint.
The Oath of allegiance:
I, A. B. do sincerely promise and swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to her majesty Queen Anne, so help me God.
The assurance:
I, A. B. do, in the sincerity of my heart, assert, acknowledge and declare that her majesty Queen Anne is the only lawful and undoubted sovereign of this realm, as well of right, that is of right queen, as of fact, that is in the possession and exercise of the government, and therefore I do sincerely and faithfully promise and engage that I will, with heart and hand, life and goods, maintain and defend her majesty's title and government against the pretended prince of Wales and his adherents, and all other enemies who, either by open or secret attempts, shall disturb or disquiet her majesty in the possession and exercise thereof.
[1702/6/29]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Our sovereign lady, considering that the sitting of the parliament begun 9 June instant may continue for the said month of June, whereby the lieges cannot now conveniently attend, do therefore, with advice and consent of the estates of parliament, adjourn the session to 1 July next, continuing all actions and causes depending before the lords of session to 1 July. And her majesty dispenses in the meantime with the sitting of all inferior courts as if the session had not been adjourned and notwithstanding of the sitting of the parliament. And further declares that the time and space between the date hereof and 1 July shall not be reckoned in any short prescription, and ordains these words to be published at the market cross of Edinburgh, and to be forthwith printed that the lieges may be certified thereof.
[1702/6/30]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Our sovereign lady the queen's majesty, with advice and consent of the estates of parliament, ratifies, approves and perpetually confirms all laws, statutes and acts of parliament made against popery and papists and for the establishing, maintaining and preserving of the true reformed Protestant religion and the true church of Christ as at present owned and settled within this kingdom, likewise for establishing, ratifying and confirming the presbyterian church government and discipline, that is to say the government of the church by kirk sessions, presbyteries, provincial synods and general assemblies, to be agreeable to the word of God and the only government of Christ's church within this kingdom; and particularly, without prejudice of the generality foresaid, her majesty, with advice and consent foresaid, ratifies, approves and confirms the fifth act of the second session of this current parliament, entitled, act ratifying the Confession of Faith and settling presbyterian church government, in the whole heads, clauses and articles thereof, as if at length herein set down, without prejudice to the twenty seventh act of the fifth session of this present parliament, entitled, act concerning the church as to the allowance therein given to certain ministers not actually assumed by the established church judicatures, under the conditions and provisions always expressed in the said act.
[1702/6/31]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Our sovereign lady the queen's majesty, with advice and consent of the estates of the kingdom presently assembled in parliament, enacts, statutes and declares that the meeting of parliament now convened, by virtue and warrant of the seventeenth act of the sixth session of this parliament, entitled, act for the security of the kingdom, and by her majesty's adjournment agreeable thereto, is a lawful and free meeting of parliament for the ends therein mentioned. And further, in pursuance of the first act of the first session of this parliament, and without any derogation thereto, it is declared that it shall be high treason for any person to disown, quarrel or impugn the dignity and authority of this present meeting of parliament upon any pretence whatsoever, and ordains these words to be published at the market cross of Edinburgh that none pretend ignorance.
[1702/6/32]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The estates of parliament, taking to their serious consideration an act of the commission of the general assembly for a solemn national fast and humiliation, and the weighty causes and reasons for the same therein contained; and the said commission having made application to her majesty's high commissioner to have the civil sanction thereto interposed, therefore, her majesty, with advice and consent of the said estates of parliament, does hereby command and appoint that the second Thursday of July next, being the ninth day of the said month, be set apart as a day of solemn fasting and humiliation for making prayers and supplications to God for the causes and reasons foresaid; and that the said day be religiously and strictly observed by all persons within this kingdom, and ordains all ministers to read this present act, with the foresaid act of the commission of the general assembly, publicly in their congregations on a Sunday at least before the said second Thursday of July next appointed for keeping the said fast, warning such as shall not give due obedience, or shall contemn or neglect the keeping and observing the said day and duties, that they shall be proceeded against by fining not exceeding £100 Scots; and warrants and commands the sheriffs, stewarts of stewartries, lords and bailies of regalities and all their deputes, justices of peace and magistrates of burghs within their several jurisdictions, to proceed against the transgressors and exact the fines accordingly, to be applied the one half to the judge and the other half to the poor of the parish; and warning such ministers as shall fail in their duty in not reading this act with the foresaid act of the commission, and in not observing the duties prescribed, they shall be processed before and punished by the lords of her majesty's privy council; and all sheriffs, stewarts, lords and bailies of regalities and all their deputes, justices of peace, magistrates of burghs and their clerks are hereby required to make report to the lords of her majesty's privy council of these ministers who shall fail of their duty. And also ordains these words, with the foresaid act of the commission of assembly, to be printed and this act to be published at the market cross of Edinburgh, and whole remaining market crosses of the head burghs of the shires and stewartries of the kingdom, that none pretend ignorance, and that copies be dispersed in the usual manner to sheriffs, stewarts, bailies of regalities or their deputes and magistrates of burghs, and likewise to all ministers that they may seriously exhort all persons to a sincere and devout observance of this writ.
The committees appointed to meet tomorrow at 10 o'clock.
The lord chancellor, by order of his majesty's high commissioner, adjourned the parliament until next Tuesday at 10 o'clock.